One Day...

One Day...

speck speck speck speckity specky becky OMG is that the hand sanitizer whale happiness lollipops la

published on September 11, 201364 reads 14 readers 5 completed
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Chapter 2.

One Minute

Once upon a time, a pretty pretty princess won the pretty pretty princess award. Everyone loved her. But then a giant monster who wanted for some reason to eat the princess started running around the town while flying crystals with wings flew up in the sky and made it rain acid  while everyone in the universe screamed because dogs mixed with cats were flying through the sky and barfing radio-active coffee on the bald men in the city while ants grew to the size of giants and summoned the green plaid lightning bolts and shocked the whole world then lava with rainbow smoke poured out of the clouds and turned everyone’s clothes brown at the exact same time a giant  tornado struck the world and sucked it up while the special surf board that you can only use during a solar eclispe on a leap year when it’s raining on a full moon on the century mark from 3000 turned up side down and floated and destroyed the whole universe a second time while all the rocks in the universe turned into angry monsters that all wanted to eat the princess then the princess screamed so loud that everyone in the universe that was destroyed could hear then all the angry monsters saw her point of view and were nice to her again except then she gave them all pretty pretty princess awards.
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Comments (5)

Omg lollll 3/9
on June 16, 2022
The Sad, Sad Spoon
by Jackson West
Once upon a time there was a sad, sad spoon. He was once very happy being eaten with and then lovingly washed. One day, he was thrown behind the stove, and no one had ever found him. Then a person came and picked up the stove. They found the spoon! The sad, sad spoon was nit sad anymore! He is a happy, happy spoon.
on January 28, 2015
Haha! I laughed alot :)
on July 20, 2014
on October 05, 2013
Speck, okay, this is just BEUTIFUL!!!! But still, speck, your weird
on September 11, 2013