I <3 Kazzy (as a friend kinda love) She is sooo awesome and sweet and smart and EPIC she always cheers me up and stands up for me when i'm being bullied!!! well actually she stands up for anyone cuz' that's how nice she is!! I think she was actually the first person I ever talked to on qfeast so that makes it even more special!! but she's also my qfeast onichan! she always brightens my day and everyone around her.. shes just a lovely person. FOLLOW HER IF U HAVEN'T ALREADY!!! SHE DESERVES ALL THE FOLLOWERS :O thank you onichan, kazzy ^_^
well, obvs not on here!;)<3:D&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[] AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's like the tenth time I said that to u today!:-O)
and to all the other people I didn't add thank yhu to you guys as well don't think I don't love yhu other peeepz cuz' I do.. I just can't add all 50+ people XD
AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's like the tenth time I said that to u today!:-O)