This g!rl is very very very VERY awesome.. I mean she has been nothing but nice and sweet and everything to me without asking anything in return.. She is also my Qfeast sista' along with Kazzythekiller.. were all sistas' and if you guys didn't know it I think jay actually looks.. a LOT like me.. she sent me a pic this one time and I was like (*0*) cuz I thought it was me!!! she also has her love for cats.. she really really loves em' If you haven't already followed her.. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR DEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:D I am so lucky to have her as a friend. so ya.. thanks jayfeatherlover!
well, obvs not on here!;)<3:D&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[]&[] AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's like the tenth time I said that to u today!:-O)
and to all the other people I didn't add thank yhu to you guys as well don't think I don't love yhu other peeepz cuz' I do.. I just can't add all 50+ people XD
AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's like the tenth time I said that to u today!:-O)