Chapter 12
The scent of pine drifted through the quiet forest,as yellow eyes watched through the darkness. Hollowpaw stepped out from behind a bush, and stared at the eyes.They were unblinking and as round as the full moon that was in the sky, and then they turned to look straight at the brown apprentice.
"Don't hurt me!" she shrieked, thinking it was a badger or a fox, and turned to run for her life. But as soon as she did, Hollowpaw ran into a black fluff of fur, and howled even louder.
"What in StarClan's name is wrong with you?".
Hollowpaw looked up to see her mentor Lizardfang staring at her with a scowl.
"Sorry" she mumbled, feeling like a stupid kit, "I thought I saw a badger, its eyes were staring right at me!".
The long limbed black warrior padded past his apprentice and stared out through the trees. Hollowpaw brushed the pine needles off of her fur, and carefully waited beside Lizardfang, what if it attacked?
"That's an owl you dimwit!" he finally spat, as a hoot came from the object.
An owl? Well how could Hollowpaw have known, she's never seen an owl before!
Lizardfang only sighed, "Honestly I thought you Zodiac's were supposed to hold the forest's future in your paws. I don't feel safe knowing your one of them."
He pushed past Hollowpaw, and off to the stone ridge, where battle training took place.
"Well its not my fault" the apprentice muttered softly, and it wasn't her fault either that she was a Zodiac, what did Hollowpaw just choose to be one before she was born?!
"Are you coming or not!?" a loud growl came through the trees, and instantly the apprentice darted towards her mentor, sighing along the way.
She didn't know why Lizardfang chose to train at night on her first day as an apprentice, it wasn't exactly the best time for it.
It wasn't that Hollowpaw couldn't see, the moonlight cast plenty enough light for her. It was just the fact that she didn't particularly like the darkness, even though it was barely dusk.
As the two ShadowClan cats made it to the rocky circle where cats battle trained, its edges were as jagged as a badgers fangs.
"Come stand in the center" Lizardfang commanded, his yellow eyes more piercing than that spooky owl.
A little nervous, Hollowpaw did as she was told, and stood at the center of the circle.
"Let's see if the precious Zodiac knows how to fight, I bet your not so tough now that your not around the whole clan" Lizardfang spat with a roll of his eyes.
"Honestly I don't know why they encourage it, I think your going to kill the forest just like Dawnpelt said, your cursed."
Hollowpaw felt anger rising in her veins, she wanted to slash her claws across Lizardfang's face, that would shut him up.
"I don't know why Scorchstar gives you extra attention either, If I was leader I'd make there were cats watching you constantly. These Zodiac's cant be trusted" the black warrior scowled like an angry vixen.
Hollowpaw glared sharply, "Then I guess its good that your not leader. Now are you going to show me how to fight or are you going to insult me the whole night?".
With a spat of disgust, Lizardfang bent down to the ground, and without a moments notice, he sprung at Hollowpaw.
Taken aback by the sudden attack, Hollowpaw could only duck to the ground. But as he flew over her, Lizardfang scathed his claws along her back, drawing blood.
"Ow!" she cried out as he landed, "You cut my pelt!".
Lizardfang only chuckled, "Now I see why Umberpaw has his power and you don't, your weak."
Un-Sheathing her claws, Hollowpaw was considering slicing them through Lizardfang at this very moment. But instead she chose to use words instead of claws.
"You know Lizardfang, you can just take you bad attitude and jump out a tree!" she glared at him with her bright amber eyes.
Expecting him to lash out at her, Hollowpaw turned to leave, but Lizardfang continued staring into nothing. And thats the moment Hollowpaw noticed his eyes were black, not just dark, but as black as an eclipse.
"If that's what you wish" he muttered, his tone non existent.
Hollowpaw stood in her spot, more confused than ever, was Lizardfang actually listening to her? But the confusion soon turned into horror, as her black furred mentor began climbing a nearby Poplar Tree, jumping from one branch to another.
"What are you doing!?" Hollowpaw howled up to him, "I wasn't serious!".
Was Lizardfang just playing a prank? If that was the case then why were his eyes completely black?
Hollowpaw could only see his black outline against the moonlight, Lizardfang was standing on the edge of a branch, staring into nothing. And thats when he preceded to move forward, and jumped off the branch, onto the ground below.
"No!" the apprentice shrieked as Lizardfang's body fell to the ground with a sickening crunch, he was dead on impact.
Covering her eyes with her tail, Hollowpaw refused to look at the body. But then curiosity sparked her interest, and she moved forward cautiously. Lizardfang's eyes had faded from black, back to yellow, how peculiar.
And as she gazed at her mentors dead body, only one thing popped into Hollowpaw's mind. I think I've found my power.
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