Chapter 13
Umberpaw sat under the hanging willow, his pitch black eyes staring out across the camp. As night fell onto ShadowClan, warriors were eating their last meal of the day, and apprentices were chattering about the days events."Grizzlyfur took me to the RiverClan border today" a small orange tom meowed as he devoured a robin.
"Yes Pumkinpaw" a gray she-cat growled, "We all know you have the best mentor in ShadowClan, but that doesn't mean you have to rub it in our faces."
"Sorry Smokepaw" Pumkinpaw lowered his gaze, as the she-cat snorted.
Umberpaw simply ignored the two siblings, he didn't really like any of the ShadowClan apprentices. Goldenheart and Eclipsefall had only been warriors for a moon and a half now, but Umberpaw still wished they were apprentices.
He had formed quite a close bond to Eclipsefall when they were in the nursery together, but now the black-furred tom was going to be a father to Goldenheart's kits.
He spotted the light golden tabby she-cat stretching outside the nursery, her belly round with many kits. Scarletshine had said when queens expect kits in New-Leaf, the litter is much larger than if they were to have them in Leaf-Fall.
That's why there's only me and Hollowpaw, Umberpaw knew that he and his sister were born on the first moon of Leaf-Bare, thats when all of the Zodiac's were born.
But in a way all of the Zodiac's were siblings, they were born on the exact moment after all.
"Did you hear Redwillow's retiring to the elders den?" a white and brown she-cat meowed as she joined the conversation.
"Big deal" Smokepaw snorted, "Honestly Whiskerpaw, if I was leader I'd force the senior warriors to retire. They're pretty much elders to begin with, not to mention they just keep us all up babbling on about the old days."
As the gray apprentice spoke, she missed the fact that Appleleaf, a senior warrior, was standing right behind her.
"I'll be sure to tell Scorchstar that" the tortoiseshell meowed while flicking her ear, "You do know he's from the same litter as Redwillow?".
Umberpaw could only chuckle as his mentor humiliated Smokepaw, Appleleaf had quite a sense of humor.
As the night dragged on, Umberpaw found himself waiting at the edge of the camp. For some reason he felt a sense of urgency run through his veins, like something wasn't quite right.
At this moment he wasn't blending in with the darkness, Umberpaw had only just realized that he could control his power. Up until he was six-moons old, it would just happen whenever night fell.
Even when the storm hit last moon he disappeared, it was that dark.
Where's Hollowpaw? After a long while of waiting, Umberpaw began to get worried. Lizardfang, one of the youngest warriors, had taken his sister out for battle training at dusk.
It was well past midnight now, and still no sign of either. But as Umberpaw turned to get some sleep, he heard a shrill yowl sound from the forest.
"Hollowpaw!" instantly without a second thought, the pitch black apprentice kicked up dirt as he skidded towards the yowl. It was coming from Rock Circle, Hollowpaw might be hurt!
I swear if that stupid piece of fox-dung touched one hair on my sisters pelt, I'll tear him to shreds! Everyone knew that Lizardfang was a pest, not to mention he had a disliking towards Zodiac's and she-cats.
Sadly for Hollowpaw, she was both.
Making his way to the sound of the yowl, Umberpaw noticed a cat following him.
"Appleleaf!" he meowed gratefully, as his tortoiseshell mentor ran alongside him.
"If there's trouble let me handle it" she told him with a firm command, as they continued to run towards the sound. Making there way to the Rock Circle, Umberpaw spotted a dark body on the ground.
Oh no, please StarClan no.
He padded slowly to the body, but then noticed it was to long and large to be Hollowpaw's.
"Lizardfang's dead" he announced, as more cats began to join them. Urgently looking around the clearing for any sign of his sister, Umberpaw noticed a tail behind a tree.
"Hollowpaw!" he ran over to find his sister hiding behind a Rowan Tree, her tail curled around her eyes as she shiver.
"He....He's dead isn't he?" she stuttered as Umberpaw helped her up, "Lizardfang's dead!".
"Shh...Shh" Umberpaw comforted his sister, giving her a lick on the ear, "It's going to be okay."
"What happened here?" a growl came from a fox-length away, as Nettleclaw the ShadowClan deputy looked at Hollowpaw. Slowly his sister padded towards the Dark brown spotted tom, and lowered her head.
"Lizardfang was running after a squirrel, but then it ran up a tree. I told him not to climb it but he didn't listen! And then he fell" she began choking on the words, "And now he's dead!".
Hollowpaw's voice came out like a whimper as Duskpetal rushed to help her daughter.
Cats began talking instantly about the sight before them, most either mourning the loss of Lizardfang, or feeling bad for Hollowpaw.
But as Umberpaw lay in the shadows of night, he knew that Hollowpaw was lying. There was no way a warrior would climb that far up a tree for just a squirrel, and even if they did they wouldn't fall!
No Hollowpaw was hiding something, but what reason would she have to?
Umberpaw's sister wasn't evil was she?
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