Zodiac (warrior cats)

Zodiac (warrior cats)

Well the story's not mine but its a great story I wanted to share with you. There will be 8 cats 4 will die and the others shall live.

published on July 27, 2013completed

Chapter 11

Bluepaw reluctantly took a peak back into ThunderClan camp. It was scorched dry, but at least it didn't destroy any of the dens.
Cats were cheering all around her, chanting Charredpaw's name in joy. The other Zodiac of ThunderClan had obviously found his power, unlike Bluepaw.
She didn't know exactly what her power was, but her mind was buzzing with whispers all around her. The same whispers she heard on the night of the Crescent Moon, it was the spirits of StarClan.
"Your a hero!" Bluepaw fell to the ground as Mossypaw pushed past her, running to Charredpaw like a dumbstruck robin.
Don't mind me, Bluepaw narrowed her eyes as she pulled herself up from the ground. If this is what having a power is like, she thought as cats crowded around Charredpaw, then I'm glad I don't know what mine is yet.
Separating herself from the rest of the clan, Bluepaw kept her eyes open for her mentor Morningwillow, who was nowhere to be seen.
Ivypool and Bumblebee were helping the cats back into ThunderClan camp, still wary of the storm above. Everyone was alright, although the elders were having a coughing fit.
Sighing as she saw Starlingsong was to busy treating the queens and that Jayfeather wandered off, Bluepaw disappeared behind a bramble bush. Quickly she came back with a bitter tasting root in her mouth, and dropped it next to Icecloud.
"Here's some ginger root, eat it, it should help with your throat until I can get some honey" she pushed it towards the three elders.
"Thanks" Icecloud and Foxleap meowed as they began to eat the ends off.
"You'd make a great Medicine Cat" Lionblaze mentioned, his old golden eyes watching her proudly.
Bluepaw snorted, "Try telling Jayfeather that, I can't become one until he retires."
With a sigh Lionblaze laid down onto the cool grass, "That's the problem with my brother, he's as stubborn as ShadowClan is greedy. The only way he'd retire is if StarClan told him themselves, and thats not going to happen."
Bluepaw silently agreed, no it wasn't, at least not soon.
As the clan began to enter ThunderClan camp, Bluepaw felt the urge to get away from all the commotion, she needed some time alone. Making sure no one saw her, Bluepaw padded swiftly into the forest, heading in the direction of the lake.
The sky was still dark as clouds rolled across in large numbers, but at least it wasn't storming, and that meant no more lightning.
The reeds at the base of the lake blew gently in the wind, as the lake rippled and reflected the darkness of the sky. Sitting atop a rock near the shore, Bluepaw looked up into StarClan.
But StarClan were nowhere to be seen, the clouds were blocking her view of the ancient warrior ancestors.
Bluepaw closed her glassy eyes, listening to the water lap at the shores edge, ever so quietly. The trees swayed in the air above her head, sending tiny leaves flying into the lake.
Here at the lake Bluepaw felt totally connected to the world around her. She often came out here on nights when StarClan didn't speak to her, and met with Yellowfang.
That was the cats name who visited Bluepaw on the first night this all happened, she was a former Medicine Cat of both ShadowClan and ThunderClan.
"I need to speak with you" she told the stars quietly, "I need to know what my power is, and why I need to harness it."
The words Yellowfang spoke that night still haunted Bluekit, why did she need to harness her power, and why did her life depend on it?
Was Bluepaw going to die if she didn't learn how to use her power?
Gazing up into the shaded sky, Bluepaw noticed a tiny gap in the clouds. Tiny stars shone through, one in particular shining brightly in the darkness.
"I am here young one" the aged voice of Yellowfang spoke to Bluepaw, making the apprentice open her eyes in surprise.
"Yellowfang!" she mewed like a kit, walking to the waters edge so she could look into the sky. "I need to know what my power is, why does Charredpaw have one and I don't?".
He had an absolutely powerful power that could kill anyone in his path, and what did Bluepaw have? Nothing!
"How do you know this isn't your power?" Yellowfang's voice asked as it wreathed around Bluepaw, "Not all apprentice speak with StarClan on a daily basis you know."
Sighing Bluepaw kneaded the sand below her, "Your saying my power is to speak with StarClan any time I want to? But what kind of power is that! It doesn't protect me or help me fight like Charredpaw's."
It was a good thing yes if Bluepaw wanted to be a Medicine Cat, buts he wasn't a Medicine Cat, she was a Zodiac for StarClan's sake.
"I can only tell you one more thing Bluepaw" Yellowfang growled form the clouds, "Some things are better left staying unknown, you never what harm the truth might cause."
And with that the clouds began to cover up the stars, and Yellowfang's voice faded back into StarClan, leaving Bluepaw even more confused than before.
I'm going to die, she realized, The only power I have to defend myself is to speak with StarClan, and what good would that do me?
Bluepaw could only pray to StarClan she learned something new soon, or she was doomed to join StarClan earlier than she had in mind?
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Comments (8)

I love it all tough I just started! It's written do well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D
About Author
on March 17, 2014
:) lol ok :p
About Author
on December 28, 2013
This is so long! I'm only on Chapter 4! (Chapter 6 according to qfeast). But it's good so I don't mind!!!! :)
About Author
on December 28, 2013
About Author
on December 10, 2013
Thanks minister!
About Author
on December 10, 2013
No my friend did! She took forever!
About Author
on August 23, 2013
unbeliavable! did you REALLY write that?!
About Author
on August 23, 2013
I've read it great story :) gotta put 5 stars
About Author
on July 27, 2013