Four girls enter the XFactor separately. But They get put into a group after they perform their solos. They think that they hate each other and will never form success. What happens when a rival band enters the XFactor and is out to sabotage them?
Hello my name is Receal. But you probably don't know how to pronounce that. It's RU-KEL. got it? Good. Don't forget it. I am 18 years old. I am from Ireland so I have an accent. I was on the XFactor in 2011 but didn't get through so I entered again and got put into a group called the sour patch girls. I am really close to Krystelle but the other girls... Not so much. Augustine is always playing pranks on us and it gets really annoying... And Emily is just so normal... And pretty I just don't really find her that appealing. Well that's I wan tell... So bye