Four girls enter the XFactor separately. But They get put into a group after they perform their solos. They think that they hate each other and will never form success. What happens when a rival band enters the XFactor and is out to sabotage them?
Heyyyyy girly!;))) I'm Augustine Coleman!!! I am 20 years young, not that it matters. Being a number has to do with math. Math is notan upside to my life. I entered the XFactor and well.... Lets just say that I got put into a group of 'interesting...' People. Don't want to sound to rude if ya know what I mean. They are all so annoying except for Krystelle... She is ok. I have blue hair that is died I'm naturally blond and I have dark blue eyes... And that's me!!!! Oh and by the way I'm the fun/ loud one of the grouuuup :)