I've talked about him alot and I'm sorry. But I really can't help it. Anyways here he is. I would upload a video of him rapping but I don't have any. (He thinks I'm pretty eeee) And all those 14 and 15 year olds back off. Dallas is MINE! LOL. But please let us have our space. ;) Once when we did a duet on Airplanes-the song-he got so excited. Here was one of his phrases "One reason is that I'd be on tour. Second I'd be with Rylie <wink, wink>" And I mean, that's totally big news for me and anyone else who thinks they can stomp up here and steal him. Good morning Qfeast!!!
when i laugh my eyes widen a little more than they already are i smile seems to strech a little but if i laugh really hard my bff bex says i look constipated...
i smile seems to strech a little but if i laugh really hard my bff bex says i look constipated...