an unexpected event

an unexpected event

in this story a girl called emerald gets hit by a car and ends up in a coma, but when she is in the coma, something happens, something unexplained and unexpected...

published on June 04, 2013completed


'i don't know were i am, im sort of floating, i remember running to get home and seeing maries face, then a big bang and a lot of pain, nothing else' emerald was thinking as her dyed red hair floated around herdelacte, heart shaped face. 'hello? is anyone there' she called out, she could hear a young man, but not see him, then she heard another voice, a womans this time. she knew she had heard it before but couldn't place it. it was desparingly quiet here, and it was a deep red couler, then something whizzed past her hand, 'aaaggghhhhh!!!!' she screamed in shock. 'who is it? i know you're there.'
emerald was scared stiff and her sky blue eyes darted round in fear. 'mom, i need you' she whispered quietly, 'mom! thats who that voice was!'emerld gasped in suprizement as a dot of light appered in front of her. it caussualy grew bigger and bigger and bigger...
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Comments (3)

That Was So Emotional it made me sad but I was happy when she woke up good story :(( :)
Thanks! I was only 13 then though so it could be better...
About Author
on February 19, 2015
About Author
on August 31, 2013
in chapter 7 it supposd 2 b voice not ocie soz every1
About Author
on June 04, 2013