an unexpected event

an unexpected event

in this story a girl called emerald gets hit by a car and ends up in a coma, but when she is in the coma, something happens, something unexplained and unexpected...

published on June 04, 2013completed

im back!

emelerd eyes fluttered open and she whispered slowly, 'mom, dad, marie, anne? are you there?'
'oh, darling! you're awake!' she heard her moms voice scream in joy, 'oh my god i was so worried!'
'what happened?' emerald asked, her voice sounded rusty and unused.
'you were hit by a car' marie oice floated over as she walked in with three lattes, 'oh god im so glad you're ok'
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Comments (3)

That Was So Emotional it made me sad but I was happy when she woke up good story :(( :)
Thanks! I was only 13 then though so it could be better...
About Author
on February 19, 2015
About Author
on August 31, 2013
in chapter 7 it supposd 2 b voice not ocie soz every1
About Author
on June 04, 2013