Happy Appy Part 6

He says "Darn! Hey kids, let's go find some red paint, and white sticks!" We see Happy lure a kid into his van, and we see him mutilate him off screen. It then cuts to Happy painting the same picture, but we now see him with more red paint (blood) and bones as the stalk of the rose. After a minute, he is done. He shows the final result, and says "My masterpiece is complete. I call it "Rose of Blood and Bones". Hey kids, you can make a painting using body parts and blood! If you make one, send it in to me and I will give you a prize!" and an address was listed. I know where I'm going soon.
In Can of Kill, we see Happy cleaning out some big tin cans, and working on mechanics. Happy notices the camera, and says "Hey kids, I'm working on my can of kill!" and goes back to working on the can. Finally, we see a tin can that has the note "OPEN ME!" on it. Happy comes from the left and says "Whenever someone opens the can of kill, a spray bottle pops out, and sprays the kid with poison! This is my best invention, and it should get me a Nobel Prize for peace!" While he is talking his mouth off, we see Quincy open the can, and he gets hit with poison and dies. Happy then notices Quincy's body and says "Hey, it works! You too can make a can of kill! All you need to do is send 5 dollars to this address, and you can kill anyone that hates you!" and the same address was listed. Before the credits, Happy takes Quincy's body to the van. Why were the recent episodes giving me an address?
Finally, the final (full) episode of Happy Appy was up. I could predict what was going to happen; Happy was going to kill Jenny in Happy Fest, and in Happy Rots in Hell, Danny kills Happy once and for all, while sacrificing his life for him as well. I was sort of right.
In Happy Fest, we see Happy discuss plans in the camera, which looks like the scene from The Dark Knight when the Joker held the camera to his face on the TV. He says "Hey kids! I have an idea that will change the world! I will make everyone happy!" and brings out a knife. I knew what he was going to do. He was going to carve smiles into people's mouths. He got out of his van, and said "Hey kids! Who wants to smile, even when they're sad?" and all the children (only 5) come running into Happy's van. Then, Happy locks the doors, does a death stare and smile, holds up a knife, and we see the outside of the van, where children are screaming and Happy laughing. After that, Happy opens the van door and climbs out. In the background, you could see a kid's body whose mouth had been stretched like Kuchisake-onna, but in a smile. Happy then says "If you make everyone smile, the entire world will be a better place!" and the credits roll.
Finally, the episode Happy Rots in Hell. This is the longest episode (minus the movie) at 45 minutes. I think this is my favorite episode, you'll see why.
In Happy Rots in Hell, Happy drives to an old house where Jenny and Danny are. Danny has Happy's knife with him, while Jenny has a shank. Happy peeks through the door, and notices that there is a shotgun trap, rigged to fire at him when the door (which you have to open by pushing from the outside, as well as pushing from the inside) would open. Happy then goes into the window, closes it, and deactivates the shotgun trap, and takes the shotgun with him. Happy runs upstairs, screaming "Danny, Jenny, guess who's going to make you SMILE?" and no response is heard.
He says "Let's play hide and go seek! If I find you, you will get killed by me!" and no response. Happy started to count to 10, and it cut to Jenny and Danny in the bathtub. Jenny said "Danny, I'm going to back-stab Happy." and Danny says "Sure, but make sure you knock him into the spear on the end of the staircase to paralyze him". While Happy was at 3, Jenny was running at him from the hall. Happy heard her footsteps, said "456789...10! Found you", brings out his shotgun, and shoots Jenny in the chest, while Danny screams no. Happy then looks up at Danny and says "Found you too! I always win at hide and go seek!" and an intermission happened.
After the intermission, Danny then closes and locks the bathroom door, and puts the mirror on the door so Happy can't get into the room quicker. Happy says "Aww, Danny! You know there's a chainsaw in the house!" and Happy runs off. Danny feels a lot safer, but tries to find a way out of the bathroom. He moves the bathtub, looks under the sink, and even removes the toilet tank. Then, Happy revved up a chainsaw, and Danny fell back, accidentally hitting a mop. The mop fell over, and a trapdoor opened.
Danny jumped in and closed it. After Happy cut the door in half, he opened it, and said "Danny? Where are you? Did you open the window and jump out of it?" before realizing the trapdoor. He says "Hey, I know where you hid!" and chainsaws the trapdoor. Fortunately for Danny, he was already in the basement long before Happy threw open the trapdoor. Happy runs in the tunnel and says "Danny! You will smile, or else I will have to end your life!" and Danny says "Over here, Happy!" and Happy runs into the basement. He notices it's empty, and says "Where the hell are you?"
Danny then appears, but with a buzz-saw, a katana, and the knife. He says "Bring it on" as he revs up the buzz-saw. Happy then grabs one of the blades and throws it at Danny. It misses him and sticks to the wall, but cuts off a piece of his hair. Danny then goes towards Happy with the buzz-saw, but Happy gets a pipe and defends himself against Danny. Happy then gets the advantage, and hits Danny in the shoulder with it, and breaks his shoulder blade. He then gets the katana out and tries to stab Happy, but Happy uses his chainsaw and breaks the blade. Finally, Danny throws the knife, and Happy dodges it.
Happy then takes the katana and knife, and looks quite stupid with all the weapons on him. Danny then crawls away from him towards his buzz-saw, while Happy comes closer. Then, Danny takes out the saw blade and throws it at Happy. The saw manages to cut his cheek, apple juice coming out, and flies into a gas pipe, and gas sprays everywhere. While Happy is too busy trying to plug up the gas pipe, Danny finds matches on a barrel. Happy then notices that Danny has the matches, and picks up the katana, and comes closer to him, saying "You wouldn't dare. You wouldn't fucking dare." and Danny says "Oh yes, I dare" and lights a match.
Happy then thrusts the sword into Danny, and Danny dies, but drops the match on gas, which ignites all the gas, burning Happy and Danny. Happy then notices that there are some explosive chemicals to the side. He says "Oh shit" before it cuts to the house, where it collapses, due to the foundations being blown by the explosive chemicals. We then see a camera pan to the destroyed basement, where Happy's melted, crushed body lays. It then rolls to the credits, showing the people who died, which had over 50 people, including Miranda, Quincy, Jenny, Danny, and Happy. Finally, I played the Epilogue.
It starts out with someone playing Gloomy Sunday by Rezső Seress, while it shows clips from all the episodes in its intro, albeit in black and white. It then cuts to a man typing on a typewriter on his desk (with a subtitle that says "Played by an actor"), with the crushed puppet at its side. It seems to be a paper about Happy Appy. A narrator talks;
"It looks like the evil rampage of Happy Appy has come to a close. Although he had died, his unfortunate impact on the world lives on. The many people who died on that show did it so the sick man who directed the show could see his true vision; a true snuff TV show. Where the director is, I have no idea, but I think everybody would like to think that he died in a gruesome way. However, I have to give my thanks to Ray Bollia, the person who played Danny, because he had killed that sick apple. I also have to give my thanks to the other three people who tried to kill Happy."
But the man turns his face. On his shirt is the director's name.
"You'd think he had died. But, although Happy is long dead, the director lives on, and somewhere in the world, he is making private home movies, which continue the horrible story of Happy Appy. Though you might be wondering one thing; why did Happy Appy go so bad? We might never know until the director comes out and reveals why he made Happy kill all these people."
We see the director slowly fix Happy's puppet with clay model utensils.
"Somewhere in the world, the director is slowly rebuilding Happy's clay model, damaged in the series finale of Happy Appy. And if the director rebuilds Happy's clay model, who knows who might be killed next. It could be a celebrity's child. It could be the president's child. It could be any child. We can only say two things; the director is alive, and he might be killing someone. I hope someone will kill the director."
It then cuts to Happy's rebuilt model. The director adds a knife, it cuts to black, and a scream is heard.
"I hope someone will kill Forenzik."
The credits rolled. And now I knew who Forenzik is. He is the director who made this show, Freddrick Gorgote. You might be wondering; if Forenzik was a nickname I made, then why did the prologue call him the nickname? You see, I didn't make Forenzik's name. On the day I gave Forenzik his name, before the post, I got a scrap of paper that just said "I'm Forenzik". Obviously, since I had to call the figure something, I called him Forenzik. Only recently did I find out his nickname is actually Forenzik, and that the scrap was a hundred percent fact. Oh, and I remade the episode list. I guessed on where Hospital Doctor was (it's not Happy the Doctor) Season 1
Happy's Vacation/Hurt Happy
The Monkey Bar Injury/Happy Goes to School
???/Nate Needs Help
Never Run with Knives/Happy Fixes Kids
Happy Fixes Kids, Part 2/Happy Fixes Kids, Part 3
The Two Towers/Happy the Doctor
???/Mean Miranda
Happy's Trick/Hospital Doctor (?)
The Happy Appy Movie
Season 2
Happy Meets the Rhubears/Camp Aaah!
Happy and the Oranges/Happy's Van Breaks
The Kids are OK/Happy Happy Christmas
Danny's Final/Miranda Lives
Lighter/Miranda Forever
Happy and the Blackberry/Happy Lives
Season 3
Red/Miranda Dies
Happy Goes Bonkers (Nuxik)/Meaner
Happy 2: Revenge/Jar of Hate
Happy 3: Rose of Blood 'n Bones/Can of Kill
Happy Fest/Happy Rots in Hell
November 5th, 2011Today, I found Forenzik (who I will now call Freddrick) on my front lawn cutting down a tree with an ax. I went outside and shot Freddrick with the shotgun and then tied him to the same tree (He hadn't cut it all the way). I got buzz saw blades (it's not supposed to be a reference to Happy Rots in Hell, okay?), attached them to the front of my car, got in the car, and rammed the car into Freddrick. I backed up and rammed into him again before getting out of the car. I then threw him in the fireplace. I then went outside, and right in front of the tree where Forenzik was killed, he left Happy's puppet, so I threw it in with his body. I finally did it. I killed Freddrick. But I have doubts.
November 6th, 2011I'm planning to go where Forenzik is on the 8th. How do I know where Forenzik is? Well, you know the address in Happy 3: Rose of Blood 'n Bones/Can of Kill? Well, Forenzik might be hiding there. How is Forenzik still alive? I just recently saw him, but this time, the filters of his gas mask were missing, and you could see scarred skin (to the best of my observation).
November 9th, 2011This post will be the final post to this blog. The sad thing is that I left many questions unanswered. However, the blog post will (or might) answer some of them, which relate to Forenzik/Freddrick.
First, I must talk about the trip to the address, and what happened. Since I live in the suburbs of Aberdeen, and the address was near Alma, Colorado, I decided to take a car ride, but I took some things; a photo of Freddrick Gorgote, just in case the Forenzik I find is the true one. I also took some weapons, like the switchblade, the shotgun, and a katana. After driving for 12 hours (I woke up at 7:00 A.M.), resting at a motel, and driving for 6 more hours, I reached Alma, Colorado. The address, which I will not reveal for people's safety, was over 5 miles out of Alma. I decided to drive over to the address, and there it was.
It was a fancy abandoned house, sort of like the one in Happy Rots in Hell. In fact, it was the same house, albeit with a spray-painted sign that said “Happy Appy Fun-house!!!!” Why was the house rebuilt, I didn't know how. To make sure Forenzik didn't trap the front door, I peeked inside. Sure enough, there was yet another gun trap, but it wasn't the kind of shotgun that was used in Happy Rots in Hell. No, it was a Winchester. I decided to sneak in the window, but Forenzik locked the window, so I had no choice but to shoot out the window. I then climbed in, making sure to not be cut by any glass. After that, I disarmed the trap, and took the Winchester.
The house was completely abandoned, and all lights were off, save for the room where the window was. I looked for the light switch, but noticed parts of the floor was wet, which, for me, meant one of two things; there was a water spill, or there was blood on the floor. I ran to the light switch, and tried to turn the light on, but there was no power on, so I headed for the circuit breaker. Sure enough, the circuit breaker only had one room with power, so I flicked all the switches, and the lights turned on. I then went back to the staircase room, which had the light switch off, and I flicked it on. There was some blood on the carpet and floor of the staircase room. I then said “Hey, Forenzik! I know you're here, and I turned the power on for every room in this house. Now you can't hide in the shadows!”
There was no response, which I knew was going to happen. Then, I screamed “HEY, FREDDRICK GORGOTE! I KNOW YOU'RE FORENZIK!” and no response. I then went upstairs, and wondered something; would I see Jenny and Danny's bodies if I look hard enough? So, I went up to where Jenny was shot. I then noticed there was no body or bones where she was shot; only a blood stain. Then;
“Gerasim, guess who's here?”
I then froze instantly. It was Freddrick on the other side of the hallway. I then responded. “Are you going to run away from me this time?” and he said “Now, why would I do that? You know I'd never run away!” and I responded with “LISTEN, FREDDRICK! How do you keep coming back?” No response, and then Freddrick said “I have some people that work with me, who posed as me, so you couldn't kill me.” and then snapped back with “But anyways, how did you get here?” and I said “There was an address listed in two episodes of Season 3, and I went to it.” and Freddrick said “Ah, looks like I shouldn't have put that address in. Would have made your search more fun...for me!”
Then, I said “Anyways, Freddrick, you're going to die right now.” and Freddrick said “Catch me first!” and jumped into the attic. I knew what was going to happen; at a random time, he might jump down from the attic and claw my insides out. I then had an idea; I would take the same path Danny used to kill Happy Appy. I pushed the mop switch, yet no trap door opened. I then stomped on it, and it opened, and I slid in the tunnel. I then heard Freddrick come down from the attic, and land on the floor, before saying “I know where you're going! You're using the bathroom tunnel!” and I had to run to the cellar.
After running a hundred or so feet, I heard Freddrick opening the trap door, but luckily, I reached the cellar. The cellar, unlike the rest of the house, was burned out and had buzz saw blades on the wall, with one being lodged into the gas pipe. I then took all of the buzz saw blades out of the walls, and brung out the switchblade, katana, and shotgun. Freddrick then entered the cellar, and said “Oh look, this reminds me of Happy Rots in Hell, which you will be doing!” I then threw one of the buzz saw blades at Freddrick, and he jumped out of the way. He said “You really expected me to get hit that easily?” and then grabbed the buzz saw and threw it at me, at a faster speed then I could throw. I dodged it, and fired the shotgun at him. He got hit, but then got an icepick from the ground.
He then charged at me, but then I reloaded and fired at his leg. He fell, but managed to get the shotgun out of my hand. Unfortunately for him, I had no more ammo left for the Winchester. He then hit me in the shin with the handle, and I tripped. I then got the katana and tried to chop him up. He then got up, grabbed the ice pick, and swung it at me. I got out of the way, and made him hit the same gas pipe, but no gas came out. I then sat down because of my wounds. Then, Freddrick pulled out one of the thinner pipes, and was ready to hit me, when I realized the buzz saw was next to me. I got it, revved it up, and sawed his leg off, and blood came out, which made me know that it wasn't a prosthetic leg. Freddrick screamed in pain and dropped the pipe. I then got the pipe, and started beating him up with it. After a few minutes of hitting him, he stopped breathing.
I then checked his pulse. Nothing. Not even a beat. I sighed in relief, but I still had to check his face, to make sure he was the actual Forenzik, so I didn't have to fight him yet again. I took off his mask, and took out the picture. It was an exact match; Forenzik was Freddrick Gorgote, and now that I had killed him, I felt much safer. After burning Forenzik's body, I left the house, got in my car, and drove off to my Aberdeen home.
Well, this is it. I can't believe I have to stop posting on the blog, but I must stop posting on Happy Appy, because I pretty much did everything related to the show. I watched Seasons 1, 2, and 3, killed Freddrick/Forenzik, played the Happy Appy Game, and even went to the studios. However, that does not mean that the search for answers is over. If you look hard enough, you can find the answers to the unexplained questions that relate to Happy Appy. Now, you might be wondering two things; what will I do, and what do I regret when I quit posting on Happy Appy?
Well, to be honest, I will actually open up another blog, which will be a short-lived one that talks about Fright House Screamers. Remember that? What do I regret when I quit posting on this blog? Well, I regret that I could have made a longer post on Happy Appy and the Golden Apple's finished form. However, since I just want to never see Happy Appy again, I don't have any regrets. I'm sorry for leaving this blog, but I must part ways for now.
See you soon,
Gerasim Yakovlev
P.S. What happened to Miranda, Quincy, Jenny, and Danny, you ask? Well, I have answers for once!
Miranda – Died in 2006 at the age of 22 (which would have made her 15-16 when Mean Miranda aired)
Quincy – Died in 2006 (what's with that year?) at the age of 15.
Jenny – Unknown fate, possibly dead.
Danny (Ray Bollia) – Still alive. He was seven during the first episode starring him (in 1999) and would be 19 right now.
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Also, I would have adored Smile cat!
Her mother just dismissed the fact she was raped
And said it was a nightmare
but considering the story seems to be fictional I don't know exactly what you mean, or your question. o3o But in the story, yes. In real life? Um.. I don't know.