What They Called Me

Ugly, hurting, pepperoni face
Yeah that what they called me.
I wish they could see that I have feelings too
and see that their words hurt me.
I know I'm not beautiful,
but I try to be.
I guess it is what it is
And it's no wonder why they hurt me.
Slut, whore, bitch,
Yeah that's another thing they called me.
But that's people for ya
no matter how hard you try to make them see.
I know I fall in love too fast
And I have a bad temper
But if you make me made enough
I'm not a happy camper.
Fake, dumb, stupid.
Yeah that's another thing the called me again.
But it's me out there making something out of myself
Aiming for the win.
I know I may not be the smartest person in the world,
but I do know some stuff
I know that people are idiots
That's why you see them in hand cuffs.
Nerd, wimp and white girl
Yeah, the last one is the worst they can call me.
but I am who I am
And that's something no one can never be.
I may be white,
but white is just a color.
For all I know is that were the same
Because we're both still going under.
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Sometimes ppl can be really stupid
Copy and paste it. It's almost as moving as this!
Ben: I remember that!! :D
Jack: Yum. It was a good snack, too .... considering I hadn't ate anything all day.
Ben: >:( I'll hunt 'em down and make them eat those words!!!
Jack: *sigh* What is it with ppl who judge others looks? 'Pepperoni face'? That's sad and 'stupid' if you ask me. -_-
Rake: *snarls and growls*
Smile Dog: Something ppl shouldn't smile about!! I'LL SPREAD THE See More WORD OF THE BULLIES AND THEIR STUPID COMMENTS!! >:(
Tails Doll: All of 'dem IDIOTS!! The meanies!! ThEy DoN't DeSeRvE LiFe!!! >:D
Lexi: O_o Good idea