My Blog About Bullies

Oh well, better days are coming I hope. I mean bullying is just stupid and shouldn't be tolerated by anyone no where. It's funny though when I think about it because after all these years of being picked on and teased, bullies usually pick on people who are "Weak". (Weak: People that can't or afraid to fight back).
In my opinion I understand that the "Weak" can't fight and its ok. Go ahead and let people say what they want to say about. Show them that you don't care, because their seriously just wasting their time, running their da* mouth when they could be at home or at school, either working or studying and TRYING TO MAKE SOMETHING OUT THEMSELVES!
I mean seriously, don't waste your time and breath talking and bullying people. That's just pathetic. Usually when people pick on me and call me names, I just laugh at them because it's so hilarious. Of course words may hurt, but it will make you stronger in time when you get far in life and not have to worry about it anymore.
Because the "Weak" are usually the people that end up being either famous or living the big life with a big house, loving family and friends and also they have a high-paying job.
While the "bullies" out there are living out on the streets in a TV box! -_- Now ain't that pathetic. Remember one thing "bullies" and keep this in mind, "WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND."
Karma is a b!tch....and it will get back to you... (;-) Remember that...hehe
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Sometimes ppl can be really stupid
Copy and paste it. It's almost as moving as this!
Ben: I remember that!! :D
Jack: Yum. It was a good snack, too .... considering I hadn't ate anything all day.
Ben: >:( I'll hunt 'em down and make them eat those words!!!
Jack: *sigh* What is it with ppl who judge others looks? 'Pepperoni face'? That's sad and 'stupid' if you ask me. -_-
Rake: *snarls and growls*
Smile Dog: Something ppl shouldn't smile about!! I'LL SPREAD THE See More WORD OF THE BULLIES AND THEIR STUPID COMMENTS!! >:(
Tails Doll: All of 'dem IDIOTS!! The meanies!! ThEy DoN't DeSeRvE LiFe!!! >:D
Lexi: O_o Good idea