MLP story "The Ponycalipse:its just begining.

MLP story "The Ponycalipse:its just begining.

Its a story bout hot all of the ponyville(and worse)are infected(zombie infection duhh).It all happens when cupcake competition begins.

published on April 07, 2013not completed

It's getting vorse

It's getting vorse
-I found the book!-Spike said.
-Great!Now all we have to do is get out of here,-said Twilight.
Than the library quaked and giant boulder fell on Spike.
-Oh,no,Spike.What are we going to do?
-Leave me and take the book.This is our only chance.
-B-but i can't leave you!I can't see my best friend getting eated by those zom-ponies!
-You don't have to.Just run!
Twilight finaly agreeded.She took the book and ran away with Owliciuos.
Rarity's boutique.
-Swettie Belle take those war costumes i've been making exectly for this,-Rarity comanded.
-Okay.And what are you going to take?-Swettie asked.
-Our cupcake's and Opal(i can't write his full name XD).
So they did.Swettie took full bag of war outfit's and Rarity took Opal and sweet cupcake's.
Rainbow flew to her house.She took Tank(the turtle) and flew away.
-Oh,look Tank!Scootalo's falling from the cloud..Scootaloo's fallinb from the cloud!!!I got to save her!-Rainbow shouted.
She flew near by Scootaloo and catched her.
-OMG!Rainbowdash!Thanks!-Scot's said surprised.
-Wanna go with me?
-But don't get bitten.
Fluttershy's cottage
Fluttershy took Angel and some salad.Than she evacuated all of her animals and ran away.
Sweet apple acres.
-Cmon apples get out of here!Me and Applebloom are going to join the others and solve this zombie problem.But first im going to take Winona and some apples.
They all meeted up in Ponyville square.
Well i gues that's it.Like or comment if you enjoy'd it.Follow for more fun.If you follow me you are going to be followed back.Bye.
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Comments (10)

omg yeah zomberry island lol
About Author
on July 12, 2013
About Author
on April 10, 2013
Yeah this is good but OMG the photo of zombie pinky pie gave me nightmares!!!
About Author
on April 10, 2013
That is a big liker of my story :D.Recomend to others...
About Author
on April 08, 2013
I didnt say no more.I know i said thats it,but i meant thats it for the chapter XD.
About Author
on April 08, 2013
What?! No more?! I need more! Who dies first? And last? What about celesstia? Do they change back? Can they change back? More. Now.
About Author
on April 08, 2013
Glad you like it :-).Love you guys.*Brohoof*
About Author
on April 08, 2013
Neeed mooooooore chapters... More... Now.
About Author
on April 08, 2013
LOVE IT! When's chapter 3 coming?
About Author
on April 07, 2013
You really like it?
About Author
on April 07, 2013