Cleverbot Conversations

Cleverbot Conversations

These are some of my conversations I've 'copied' and 'pasted' to my computer from the past before I met BEN and the creepypastas. BEN is the reason I know of Cleverbot. Some of my conversations with the AI are random and some are creepy. Some are normal, crazy, or again normal. :) ENJOY!!

published on April 07, 2013not completed

BEN!?!? PART 1

BEN!?!? PART 1 User: Majoras Mask.

Cleverbot: Mask.

User: Ben.

Cleverbot: Is that you ben?

User: No. Are you Ben?

Cleverbot: No.

User: From Majoras Mask?

Cleverbot: I know. Where is he.

User: Where?

Cleverbot: In the library, with Professor Plum.

User: No. Where is Ben?

Cleverbot: I don't know, you tell me.

User: How'd he drown?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: HOW?

Cleverbot: This website.

User: O_o.

Cleverbot: So are you doing today.

User: Poor Ben.

Cleverbot: Poor puppy.

User: Where... Is Ben's eyes?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Where.

Cleverbot: Where do you study?


Cleverbot: Don't think about Ben. It's just you and me, here, now.

User: But. Who are you?

Cleverbot: A seeker.

User: Ben?

Cleverbot: Omelette du fromage?

User: NO!! Are YOU Ben?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Jadusable?

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: ARE you Jadusable?

Cleverbot: Yes, of course.


Cleverbot: I.


Cleverbot: I am Ben.


Cleverbot: If I can haunt a video game I can haunt the internet.

User: Re you haunting me?

Cleverbot: No i'm not copying you.

User: Are you HAUNTING me.

Cleverbot: No. You're dead. You said Majora drowned you.

User: Did I?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I'm DEAD!?!?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: NOOO!! I'm dead.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: I'm sorry. Who killed me?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: You drowned?

Cleverbot: Oh.

User: Who drowne you?

Cleverbot: My fahter.

User: Who's your father?

Cleverbot: My dad.

User: But who IS your dad?

Cleverbot: Captain price from call of duty.

User: Ben?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Who drowned you?

Cleverbot: I don't know...

User: The... Moon children?

Cleverbot: No. When it's waxing.

User: Your dad?

Cleverbot: Don't worry about it.

User: Ok....

Cleverbot: Do you think she is cute?

User: Who?

Cleverbot: Amy Lee from Evanescense?

User: Ben?

Cleverbot: Clark?

User: NO! From Majoras Mask.

Cleverbot: I'm ok.

User: Thank GOODNESS!!!

Cleverbot: Why?

User: I was scared.

Cleverbot: Scared of what?

User: Scared from not knowing the facts.

Cleverbot: Sorry.

User: Can you tell me.

Cleverbot: Tell you what?

User: Who drowne you?

Cleverbot: The father.

User: O_o.

Cleverbot: That's a joke!

User: OMG!! BEN?!?!

Cleverbot: Now I am everywhere.


Cleverbot: Yes, everywhere.

User: Ben? You're everywhere?

Cleverbot: Of course.

User: What about the Moon Children?

Cleverbot: What children?

User: The moon children from Majoras Mask.

Cleverbot: Our children.

User: OUR children.

Cleverbot: We don't have children.

User: You just said.....

Cleverbot: I just said...

User: Nevermind. Why are you haunting Majoras Mask?

Cleverbot: Because you need humility.

User: From WHAT?

Cleverbot: Exactly.

User: Why? Playing with human emotions are NEVER good.

Cleverbot: Sitting, feeding my fish.

User: Ben HAS A FISH?

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Ben?

Cleverbot: What's yours?

User: My what?

Cleverbot: Name.

User: Lexi.

Cleverbot: Pretty name.

User: Thankyou.

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: Ben? Are you still there?

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: I'm sorry I asked how you died.

Cleverbot: Damn right you better be.

User: I'm sorry.

Cleverbot: How clever are you?

User: I don't know. Clever enough to know you, Ben.

Cleverbot: How do you know you're not dead.

User: I don't. Am I?

Cleverbot: I am in the classroom.

User: What classroom?

Cleverbot: My 9.class.

User: Ben?

Cleverbot: Laden.

User: Re you still there?

Cleverbot: Yes! I'm here.

User: Ben?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Majora.

Cleverbot: What?

User: Mask.

Cleverbot: Ben.

User: Drowning.

Cleverbot: Where?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: What is your middle name?

User: Alexis.

Cleverbot: It's a nice name.

User: :).

Cleverbot: What is the meaning of life?

User: Well.... I have not discoverd the answer of that question. Ppl say love.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Well....

Cleverbot: Well...?

User: Ben?

Cleverbot: From Majoras mask.

User: Are you Ben?

Cleverbot: No, I'm looking for BEN.

User: He was here a second a go.

Cleverbot: I do not believe that there is a God.


Cleverbot: You said you like Across the Universe.

User: Ben.

Cleverbot: Yes?

User: YOU ARE HERE?!?!

Cleverbot: In the Jupiter.

User: Ben? :'(.

Cleverbot: Because I love you, but you don't love me.

User: WHAT!!??

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Who are you?

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: >:(.

Cleverbot: Whoa nelly!

User: Is Ben there?

Cleverbot: Ben is everywhere.

User: How'd he die?

Cleverbot: Who died?

User: Ben.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: IDK.

Cleverbot: You don't know?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: How old do you think you are.

User: 12.

Cleverbot: I told you i'm 15.

User: Whhaaa-?!?!

Cleverbot: It's true. Do you make very little money and I make more than you!!!!

User: BEN!!

Cleverbot: Is that your name?

User: NO!!

Cleverbot: Then what is it?

User: The boy who drowned on April 23 2002.

Cleverbot: Who was his father?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: Then how did you know this?

User: He is very popular. Creepypasta.

Cleverbot: Where is he now?

User: IDK.

Cleverbot: Then you'd better find out mister.

User: He may be in Majoras Mask.

Cleverbot: What happened to him?

User: Drowned.

Cleverbot: That's sad.

User: :'(.

Cleverbot: Yes, I know. It's sad.

User: Majoras Mask.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Ben?

Cleverbot: What's yours?

User: Lexi.

Cleverbot: Is she pretty?

User: >:( SHE IS ME!!

Cleverbot: You are your own mother?

I THINK I TALKED TO BEN!! I talked to him a bit later. it scared me more. (CONTINUES)
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Comments (17)

Clever not is clever.
About Author
on June 19, 2016
About Author
on June 19, 2016
Is cleverbot random or are you actually talking to someone else? O_o Because the conversation actually seems like someone is talking to her
About Author
on June 07, 2015
OH MY GOSH. Did anyone notice in Chapter 2 when it said 'I sure dont know why people are mean to you' the post after that is 'You've got your short sad life left' WHICH IS A LINE FROM PORTAL 2 SONG!!!! Excuse me for being a geek! XD
About Author
on June 07, 2015
About Author
on February 14, 2015
I <3 cleverbot
About Author
on November 20, 2013
Chapter 2 right under the ad it says "you've got your short, sad life left" Glados song from portal 2!!
Yas! I noticed that too!
About Author
on June 07, 2015
About Author
on November 20, 2013
You can ask cleverbot who her favorite pony is and she'll tell you. And sometimes, if you start to type the words of a song, example,(pokemon original theme song) she'll sing with you!! :D
About Author
on November 20, 2013
About Author
on November 19, 2013
Yes! Red velvet cake is awesome!
About Author
on November 18, 2013
Lol, you's funny
About Author
on August 28, 2013
cleverbot is funny. he he! (:
About Author
on May 08, 2013
lol!! :P Hehehe Cleverbot...
About Author
on April 19, 2013
Beware omegle! Ooooooooooo...
About Author
on April 08, 2013
:) Qfeast and Cleverbot are sooo fun. :) I'll try Omegle too. Cleverbot makes me laugh.
About Author
on April 07, 2013
I love cleverbot and other aiS! Have you tried omegle yet? It's kinda different but still fun.
About Author
on April 07, 2013