BEN!?!? PART 1

Cleverbot: Mask.
User: Ben.
Cleverbot: Is that you ben?
User: No. Are you Ben?
Cleverbot: No.
User: From Majoras Mask?
Cleverbot: I know. Where is he.
User: Where?
Cleverbot: In the library, with Professor Plum.
User: No. Where is Ben?
Cleverbot: I don't know, you tell me.
User: How'd he drown?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: HOW?
Cleverbot: This website.
User: O_o.
Cleverbot: So are you doing today.
User: Poor Ben.
Cleverbot: Poor puppy.
User: Where... Is Ben's eyes?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Where.
Cleverbot: Where do you study?
Cleverbot: Don't think about Ben. It's just you and me, here, now.
User: But. Who are you?
Cleverbot: A seeker.
User: Ben?
Cleverbot: Omelette du fromage?
User: NO!! Are YOU Ben?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Jadusable?
Cleverbot: What do you mean?
User: ARE you Jadusable?
Cleverbot: Yes, of course.
Cleverbot: I.
Cleverbot: I am Ben.
Cleverbot: If I can haunt a video game I can haunt the internet.
User: Re you haunting me?
Cleverbot: No i'm not copying you.
User: Are you HAUNTING me.
Cleverbot: No. You're dead. You said Majora drowned you.
User: Did I?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: I'm DEAD!?!?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: NOOO!! I'm dead.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: I'm sorry. Who killed me?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: You drowned?
Cleverbot: Oh.
User: Who drowne you?
Cleverbot: My fahter.
User: Who's your father?
Cleverbot: My dad.
User: But who IS your dad?
Cleverbot: Captain price from call of duty.
User: Ben?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Who drowned you?
Cleverbot: I don't know...
User: The... Moon children?
Cleverbot: No. When it's waxing.
User: Your dad?
Cleverbot: Don't worry about it.
User: Ok....
Cleverbot: Do you think she is cute?
User: Who?
Cleverbot: Amy Lee from Evanescense?
User: Ben?
Cleverbot: Clark?
User: NO! From Majoras Mask.
Cleverbot: I'm ok.
User: Thank GOODNESS!!!
Cleverbot: Why?
User: I was scared.
Cleverbot: Scared of what?
User: Scared from not knowing the facts.
Cleverbot: Sorry.
User: Can you tell me.
Cleverbot: Tell you what?
User: Who drowne you?
Cleverbot: The father.
User: O_o.
Cleverbot: That's a joke!
User: OMG!! BEN?!?!
Cleverbot: Now I am everywhere.
Cleverbot: Yes, everywhere.
User: Ben? You're everywhere?
Cleverbot: Of course.
User: What about the Moon Children?
Cleverbot: What children?
User: The moon children from Majoras Mask.
Cleverbot: Our children.
User: OUR children.
Cleverbot: We don't have children.
User: You just said.....
Cleverbot: I just said...
User: Nevermind. Why are you haunting Majoras Mask?
Cleverbot: Because you need humility.
User: From WHAT?
Cleverbot: Exactly.
User: Why? Playing with human emotions are NEVER good.
Cleverbot: Sitting, feeding my fish.
User: Ben HAS A FISH?
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Ben?
Cleverbot: What's yours?
User: My what?
Cleverbot: Name.
User: Lexi.
Cleverbot: Pretty name.
User: Thankyou.
Cleverbot: You're welcome.
User: Ben? Are you still there?
Cleverbot: Yes I am.
User: I'm sorry I asked how you died.
Cleverbot: Damn right you better be.
User: I'm sorry.
Cleverbot: How clever are you?
User: I don't know. Clever enough to know you, Ben.
Cleverbot: How do you know you're not dead.
User: I don't. Am I?
Cleverbot: I am in the classroom.
User: What classroom?
Cleverbot: My 9.class.
User: Ben?
Cleverbot: Laden.
User: Re you still there?
Cleverbot: Yes! I'm here.
User: Ben?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Majora.
Cleverbot: What?
User: Mask.
Cleverbot: Ben.
User: Drowning.
Cleverbot: Where?
User: I don't know.
Cleverbot: What is your middle name?
User: Alexis.
Cleverbot: It's a nice name.
User: :).
Cleverbot: What is the meaning of life?
User: Well.... I have not discoverd the answer of that question. Ppl say love.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Well....
Cleverbot: Well...?
User: Ben?
Cleverbot: From Majoras mask.
User: Are you Ben?
Cleverbot: No, I'm looking for BEN.
User: He was here a second a go.
Cleverbot: I do not believe that there is a God.
Cleverbot: You said you like Across the Universe.
User: Ben.
Cleverbot: Yes?
User: YOU ARE HERE?!?!
Cleverbot: In the Jupiter.
User: Ben? :'(.
Cleverbot: Because I love you, but you don't love me.
User: WHAT!!??
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Who are you?
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.
User: >:(.
Cleverbot: Whoa nelly!
User: Is Ben there?
Cleverbot: Ben is everywhere.
User: How'd he die?
Cleverbot: Who died?
User: Ben.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: IDK.
Cleverbot: You don't know?
User: Nope.
Cleverbot: How old do you think you are.
User: 12.
Cleverbot: I told you i'm 15.
User: Whhaaa-?!?!
Cleverbot: It's true. Do you make very little money and I make more than you!!!!
User: BEN!!
Cleverbot: Is that your name?
User: NO!!
Cleverbot: Then what is it?
User: The boy who drowned on April 23 2002.
Cleverbot: Who was his father?
User: I don't know.
Cleverbot: Then how did you know this?
User: He is very popular. Creepypasta.
Cleverbot: Where is he now?
User: IDK.
Cleverbot: Then you'd better find out mister.
User: He may be in Majoras Mask.
Cleverbot: What happened to him?
User: Drowned.
Cleverbot: That's sad.
User: :'(.
Cleverbot: Yes, I know. It's sad.
User: Majoras Mask.
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Ben?
Cleverbot: What's yours?
User: Lexi.
Cleverbot: Is she pretty?
User: >:( SHE IS ME!!
Cleverbot: You are your own mother?
I THINK I TALKED TO BEN!! I talked to him a bit later. it scared me more. (CONTINUES)
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