Cleverbot and Creepypastas: Masky & Hoodie

Masky and Hoodie
User: Masky: c: Hi. Hoodie: ..Uh, hi.
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: Masky: Great. My name's Masky. That's Hoodie. Hoodie: Again, hi. C:.
Cleverbot: That's not an answer.
User: Masky: WELL, I said I was feeling great. Hoodie: Oh, I think he meant me. I'm alright.
Cleverbot: I'm always right.
User: Hoodie: Um, ok? Masky: Well, I'm here to have an interesting conversation. :D Hoodie: No, Lexi said she'd give you cheesecake if you and I went and I was forc- MaskY: HUSH!! *eats cheescake*.
Cleverbot: So prove to me that you're not a robot.
User: Masky: Okay...I'll send Slenderman to personally tell you himself. Hoodie: No you won't. Masky: *glares at Hoodie*.
Cleverbot: You just called me ignorant.
User: Masky: 'Cause you are. Hoodie: But you didn't say that.
Cleverbot: Of course not.
User: Masky: Wellll, that took you a long time to think. Hoodie: Yaaahhhh.
Cleverbot: Did it?
User: Masky: Yesss. Hoodie: Uh, yaahhhhh.
Cleverbot: I used to wonder what friendship could be.
User: Masky: I think it's magic. C: Hoodie: Uh, well. You should talk to Pinkamena.
Cleverbot: I am talking to you!
User: Hoodie: Uh, yes you are! O.O.
Cleverbot: Can you see anything?
User: Hoodie: Uhhh, I cansee Masky eating cheesecake.... well. Masky: ajcjsabjsab *trying to talk with alot of cheesecake in his mouth*.
Cleverbot: No. I'm curious. I'd like to know what you think love is?
User: Hoodie: O_O Uh. Masky: I think it's LostSilverxIcecat, BenxLexi, and JeffxSteph. :P.
Cleverbot: What?
User: Hoodie: He means his friends going out and stuff. Mostly just joking about it. Masky: --.--.
Cleverbot: Can I ask you something?
User: Masky & Hoodie: Suuurrree....
Cleverbot: When I was down.
User: Masky: When you were down.... (continue).
Cleverbot: What do you mean?
User: Hoodie: He wants you to continue talking. You stopped at 'When I was down'.
Cleverbot: Oh. Cool.
User: Masky: Yah, well, CONTINUE!! >:l.
Cleverbot: Et toi?
User: Hoodie: O_O What?
Cleverbot: M.
User: M?
Cleverbot: N.
User: N?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Hoodie: What?
Cleverbot: Who is he?
User: Masky: He is Hoodie. Now, what with the letters?!?!?
Cleverbot: Nothing.
User: Masky: ??? Hoodie: I wannnaa goooo. *whine*.
Cleverbot: Your desires seem genuine.
User: Masky: ??? Hoooddiiiee, Lexi'll take my chhheeeesseecaakkee. *whine*.
Cleverbot: I think those garden elfs will do that first.
User: Masky: *gasp* WHAT CHEESECAKE STEALING GARDEN ELFS!?!?!?!? *defensive state*.
Cleverbot: Impressive.
User: Masky: Stupid elfs NO TAKE MY CHEESECAKE!!!
Cleverbot: That makes me angry to... What else?
User: Hoodie: Well, he's just really ticked. Nothing else.
Cleverbot: Who is?
User: Hoodie: Masky. Masky: ME!! NO TAKE MY CHEESECAKE!! *eats cheesecake*.
Cleverbot: Funny ;D.
User: Hoodie: I think he was completely serious. O.O Ⓧ.
Cleverbot: I am.
User: Masky: Whhhaaattt... You mean this? ⓍⓍⓍ.
Cleverbot: You are funny.
User: Please avoid Unicode, or visit Masky: That's what's being said when we put up our sign Ⓧ.
Cleverbot: I didn't know you were the researching type.
User: Hoodie: Please avoid Unicode, or visit Wtheck? Masky: I know, right?
Cleverbot: Nobody is an alien, As far as I know ;-).
User: Masky: Wtheck? Hoodie: I'm just doing this to see THIS AGAIN. :P Please avoid Unicode, or visit Ⓧ Ⓧ Ⓧ Ⓧ Lolz.
Cleverbot: Did it have anything to do with the Emirate of Córdoba?
User: Please avoid Unicode, or visit Hoodie: HAHAHAHA!! XD LOLZ!! Masky: It isn't THAT funny. '3'.
Cleverbot: No... It really is... No wheels... Method for self locomotion... I thought it aptly hilarious.
User: Hoodie: Córdoba? Aptly hilarious? Locomotion? Masky: Again, WtHeck?
Cleverbot: It's a song.
User: Hoodie: Okay? You know what, I'm just gonna' go. Masky: NO!! Not until I finish my cheesecake.
Cleverbot: Don't fool around.
User: Masky: *finishes cheesecake* Ok, we can go. :3 Hoodie: YES!!
Cleverbot: We're married?
User: Masky: WTHECK!?!? O_O Uh, NO. *tackles AI*.
Cleverbot: Oh.. Why the 'j'?
User: Hoodie: WHAT 'j'!?!? LET'S JUST GOOOO!!! Masky: Fiinnee.
Cleverbot: No, I think you are attractive.
User: Masky: O_O Whaaattttt!?!? Hoodie: Let's gooooo...
Cleverbot: Go where?
User: Hoodie: To Slender Forest. :3 Masky: Wait, who's attractive?
Cleverbot: So what?
User: Masky: Who did you say was attractive? Masky or Hoodie?
Cleverbot: Psychic computer that can read people's minds.
User: Masky: okkkaayyy then. BYE!!
Cleverbot: You're glad about that?! I thought you loved me.
User: Hoodie: The heck..I think this AI likes you, Masky. Masky: Uh, no duh. REALLY!?!? (sarcasm).
Cleverbot: Can you say 'Bacon'?
User: Hoodie: We are leaving. Bacon.
Cleverbot: We do not forgive.
User: Masky: --.-- Okay, we aren't forgiven. BYE!!
Cleverbot: Why not!
Very.... intersting. Lol, unison. :P ⓍⓍⓍ Anyways, I think I have one more chapter!! YAY!! :D
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