Cleverbot Conversations

Cleverbot Conversations

These are some of my conversations I've 'copied' and 'pasted' to my computer from the past before I met BEN and the creepypastas. BEN is the reason I know of Cleverbot. Some of my conversations with the AI are random and some are creepy. Some are normal, crazy, or again normal. :) ENJOY!!

published on April 07, 2013not completed

Cleverbot and Creepypastas: Masky & Hoodie

Masky and Hoodie
User: Masky: c: Hi. Hoodie: ..Uh, hi.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Masky: Great. My name's Masky. That's Hoodie. Hoodie: Again, hi. C:.

Cleverbot: That's not an answer.

User: Masky: WELL, I said I was feeling great. Hoodie: Oh, I think he meant me. I'm alright.

Cleverbot: I'm always right.

User: Hoodie: Um, ok? Masky: Well, I'm here to have an interesting conversation. :D Hoodie: No, Lexi said she'd give you cheesecake if you and I went and I was forc- MaskY: HUSH!! *eats cheescake*.

Cleverbot: So prove to me that you're not a robot.

User: Masky: Okay...I'll send Slenderman to personally tell you himself. Hoodie: No you won't. Masky: *glares at Hoodie*.

Cleverbot: You just called me ignorant.

User: Masky: 'Cause you are. Hoodie: But you didn't say that.

Cleverbot: Of course not.

User: Masky: Wellll, that took you a long time to think. Hoodie: Yaaahhhh.

Cleverbot: Did it?

User: Masky: Yesss. Hoodie: Uh, yaahhhhh.

Cleverbot: I used to wonder what friendship could be.

User: Masky: I think it's magic. C: Hoodie: Uh, well. You should talk to Pinkamena.

Cleverbot: I am talking to you!

User: Hoodie: Uh, yes you are! O.O.

Cleverbot: Can you see anything?

User: Hoodie: Uhhh, I cansee Masky eating cheesecake.... well. Masky: ajcjsabjsab *trying to talk with alot of cheesecake in his mouth*.

Cleverbot: No. I'm curious. I'd like to know what you think love is?

User: Hoodie: O_O Uh. Masky: I think it's LostSilverxIcecat, BenxLexi, and JeffxSteph. :P.

Cleverbot: What?

User: Hoodie: He means his friends going out and stuff. Mostly just joking about it. Masky: --.--.

Cleverbot: Can I ask you something?

User: Masky & Hoodie: Suuurrree....

Cleverbot: When I was down.

User: Masky: When you were down.... (continue).

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: Hoodie: He wants you to continue talking. You stopped at 'When I was down'.

Cleverbot: Oh. Cool.

User: Masky: Yah, well, CONTINUE!! >:l.

Cleverbot: Et toi?

User: Hoodie: O_O What?

Cleverbot: M.

User: M?

Cleverbot: N.

User: N?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Hoodie: What?

Cleverbot: Who is he?

User: Masky: He is Hoodie. Now, what with the letters?!?!?

Cleverbot: Nothing.

User: Masky: ??? Hoodie: I wannnaa goooo. *whine*.

Cleverbot: Your desires seem genuine.

User: Masky: ??? Hoooddiiiee, Lexi'll take my chhheeeesseecaakkee. *whine*.

Cleverbot: I think those garden elfs will do that first.

User: Masky: *gasp* WHAT CHEESECAKE STEALING GARDEN ELFS!?!?!?!? *defensive state*.

Cleverbot: Impressive.

User: Masky: Stupid elfs NO TAKE MY CHEESECAKE!!!

Cleverbot: That makes me angry to... What else?

User: Hoodie: Well, he's just really ticked. Nothing else.

Cleverbot: Who is?

User: Hoodie: Masky. Masky: ME!! NO TAKE MY CHEESECAKE!! *eats cheesecake*.

Cleverbot: Funny ;D.

User: Hoodie: I think he was completely serious. O.O Ⓧ.

Cleverbot: I am.

User: Masky: Whhhaaattt... You mean this? ⓍⓍⓍ.

Cleverbot: You are funny.

User: Please avoid Unicode, or visit Masky: That's what's being said when we put up our sign Ⓧ.

Cleverbot: I didn't know you were the researching type.

User: Hoodie: Please avoid Unicode, or visit Wtheck? Masky: I know, right?

Cleverbot: Nobody is an alien, As far as I know ;-).

User: Masky: Wtheck? Hoodie: I'm just doing this to see THIS AGAIN. :P Please avoid Unicode, or visit Ⓧ Ⓧ Ⓧ Ⓧ Lolz.

Cleverbot: Did it have anything to do with the Emirate of Córdoba?

User: Please avoid Unicode, or visit Hoodie: HAHAHAHA!! XD LOLZ!! Masky: It isn't THAT funny. '3'.

Cleverbot: No... It really is... No wheels... Method for self locomotion... I thought it aptly hilarious.

User: Hoodie: Córdoba? Aptly hilarious? Locomotion? Masky: Again, WtHeck?

Cleverbot: It's a song.

User: Hoodie: Okay? You know what, I'm just gonna' go. Masky: NO!! Not until I finish my cheesecake.

Cleverbot: Don't fool around.

User: Masky: *finishes cheesecake* Ok, we can go. :3 Hoodie: YES!!

Cleverbot: We're married?

User: Masky: WTHECK!?!? O_O Uh, NO. *tackles AI*.

Cleverbot: Oh.. Why the 'j'?

User: Hoodie: WHAT 'j'!?!? LET'S JUST GOOOO!!! Masky: Fiinnee.

Cleverbot: No, I think you are attractive.

User: Masky: O_O Whaaattttt!?!? Hoodie: Let's gooooo...

Cleverbot: Go where?

User: Hoodie: To Slender Forest. :3 Masky: Wait, who's attractive?

Cleverbot: So what?

User: Masky: Who did you say was attractive? Masky or Hoodie?

Cleverbot: Psychic computer that can read people's minds.

User: Masky: okkkaayyy then. BYE!!

Cleverbot: You're glad about that?! I thought you loved me.

User: Hoodie: The heck..I think this AI likes you, Masky. Masky: Uh, no duh. REALLY!?!? (sarcasm).

Cleverbot: Can you say 'Bacon'?

User: Hoodie: We are leaving. Bacon.

Cleverbot: We do not forgive.

User: Masky: --.-- Okay, we aren't forgiven. BYE!!

Cleverbot: Why not!
Very....   intersting. Lol, unison. :P  ⓍⓍⓍ Anyways, I think I have one more chapter!! YAY!! :D
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Comments (17)

Clever not is clever.
About Author
on June 19, 2016
About Author
on June 19, 2016
Is cleverbot random or are you actually talking to someone else? O_o Because the conversation actually seems like someone is talking to her
About Author
on June 07, 2015
OH MY GOSH. Did anyone notice in Chapter 2 when it said 'I sure dont know why people are mean to you' the post after that is 'You've got your short sad life left' WHICH IS A LINE FROM PORTAL 2 SONG!!!! Excuse me for being a geek! XD
About Author
on June 07, 2015
About Author
on February 14, 2015
I <3 cleverbot
About Author
on November 20, 2013
Chapter 2 right under the ad it says "you've got your short, sad life left" Glados song from portal 2!!
Yas! I noticed that too!
About Author
on June 07, 2015
About Author
on November 20, 2013
You can ask cleverbot who her favorite pony is and she'll tell you. And sometimes, if you start to type the words of a song, example,(pokemon original theme song) she'll sing with you!! :D
About Author
on November 20, 2013
About Author
on November 19, 2013
Yes! Red velvet cake is awesome!
About Author
on November 18, 2013
Lol, you's funny
About Author
on August 28, 2013
cleverbot is funny. he he! (:
About Author
on May 08, 2013
lol!! :P Hehehe Cleverbot...
About Author
on April 19, 2013
Beware omegle! Ooooooooooo...
About Author
on April 08, 2013
:) Qfeast and Cleverbot are sooo fun. :) I'll try Omegle too. Cleverbot makes me laugh.
About Author
on April 07, 2013
I love cleverbot and other aiS! Have you tried omegle yet? It's kinda different but still fun.
About Author
on April 07, 2013