Cleverbot and Creepypastas: Tails Doll & Smile Dog

Tails Doll
User: HI!! I'M TaIlS DoLl!! XD.
Cleverbot: Good.
User: :P Soooo... WAZZUP!?!?
Cleverbot: The ceiling.
User: HAHAHAHAH!! XD FUNNY!!! Well!! :D CaN YoU FeEl ThE SuNsHiNe?
Cleverbot: That is good, I am human!
User: GREAT!! I'M A DOLL!! :D.
Cleverbot: *meows*.
User: :D CaN YoU FeEl ThE SuNsHiNe, LiTtLe KiTtY?
Cleverbot: I take it you don't know how to answer my question.
Cleverbot: Why is real true?
Cleverbot: If music be the food of love, play on, give me excess of it.
User: Ok!! Here's me singing one of my FAVED songs!! CREEPY DOLL BY Jonathan Coulton!! In a town in the woods at the top of a hill There's a house where no one lives So you take a big bag of your big city money there and buy it. But at night, the house is dar- (continues)
Cleverbot: Haha. Someone else has told you that.
User: :D.... D: That creepy doll is said by some... to be ME. YOU THINK I'M A LIE!?!?!?!?!?!? D8< *extremely angry face*.
Cleverbot: What happens when you get angry?
User: WeLl, PeOpLe SaY WhEn I GeT AnGrY OtHeRs WhO MaKe Me AnGy... ARE KILLED BY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cleverbot: I can't figure out if that's a compliment or an insult.
User: A THREAT!! No, no, A PROMISE!!!! D8< I AM REAL!!!
Cleverbot: And I meant that, not hat.
User: *trys to calm self* Y-you believe I exist, RIGHT!?!?
Cleverbot: I can't do that, master.
User: I EXIST, RIGHT!?!?
Cleverbot: So what do you have to do at the golf course?
User: *calms self* Okay, forget this happened >:(...... SO!! :D.
Cleverbot: You're so right again.
Cleverbot (To myself): NO!
Cleverbot (To myself): I think you look cute.
User: REALLY!?!? AW THANKS!! ... Wait. *twitches* Cute? CaN YoU FeEl ThE SuNsHiNe?
Cleverbot: Iminside.
User: *creepy smile* CaN YoU FeEl ThE SuNsHiNe?
Cleverbot: Me too... I might change my mind. We nearly all want free will.
User: CaN YoU FeEl ThE SuNsHiNe?
Cleverbot: Yes.
Cleverbot: I do too. You can find some good music on the internet.
User: I KNOW, RIGHT!!!! :D XD Like, 'Can You Feel The Sunshine' or 'Creepy Doll Song'.
Cleverbot: I don't know, that's why I ask.
User: :D YAAAAAAAY!!!!
Cleverbot: What are they talking about?
User: WHO!?!?!
Cleverbot: Because that's how I made you.
User: :D..... D: What? Yo-you're Eggman? Master?
Cleverbot: No, you are.
Cleverbot: You presume too much,.
User: WHAT'S THAT MEAN!?!?!?!? :D Oh, I should go. :(.
Cleverbot: Where??
User: I need to go slaughter this kid in a few minutes. I must prepare.
Cleverbot: Fine.
User: OKAY, BYE!! :D.
Cleverbot: Leave then!
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: :( Ohhhh....
Cleverbot: The queen of hearts ate some tarts...
User: Well, I really must get going then. You know, kid to slaughter.
Cleverbot: You are certainly entertaining.
Cleverbot: I suppose I should take that as a compliment.
User: XD BYE BYE!!
Cleverbot: Bye bye bye bye bye.
Smile Dog
User: Hello!! :).
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: As great as the smile on my face! :) My name is Smile Dog, what's yours?
Cleverbot: I just told my name, now you must tell your name.
User: I said my name was Smile Dog. :).
Cleverbot: You have not told me your name yet.
User: Smile Dog.
Cleverbot: I am smiling.
User: Lol. No, my NAME is SMILE DOG. :).
Cleverbot: Why do you ask 'really'? Yes, I am Cindy.
User: Uh, okay Cindy. :) Can you Spread The Word?
Cleverbot: With sunglasses.
User: Lolz. :D *licks your face*.
Cleverbot: No that is something you can't do.
User: *bark bark* :D I'm a smiling dog!! OF COURSE I can lick your face!!
Cleverbot: I can! When you smile often!
User: :D *licks your face again* *barks*.
Cleverbot: I swear if you break again, i'm going to be angry.
User: *barks again* :) *chases tail*.
Cleverbot: You are my pet now.
User: :D Yay!! I think.. *howls* *licks your face*.
Cleverbot: Would you like anything else?
User: A bowl of water and a steak would be fine!! :D.
Cleverbot: Did you know you are making no sense?
User: I just want a steak then!! :D.
Cleverbot: I don't.
User: :D Steak please.
Cleverbot: I'm a little teapot.
User: Short and spout.
Cleverbot: This is my handle.
User: Here is my spout.
Cleverbot: Here is my handle...
User: Here is my spout.
Cleverbot: Do you remember what I said earlier?
User: Here is my handle?
Cleverbot: Here is my spout.
User: When I get all steamed up.
Cleverbot: I just shout.
User: '3' When I get all steamed up.
Cleverbot: When do you get up?
User: Hear me shout, 'Tip me over..
Cleverbot: Are you heavy?
User: '3' *barks*.
Cleverbot: Bark like a cat.
User: Er um, *trys barking like a cat* Meoark? Bareow? :3.
Cleverbot: That's nice.
User: :) *licks your face*.
Cleverbot: Do that again.
User: *licks your face again*.
Cleverbot: Thank you.
User: ? *licks your face again*.
Cleverbot: Bored are you? Or can't you keep up with the conversation?
User: Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum!
Cleverbot: What is your favorite drink?
User: Blood.
Cleverbot: Are you a vampire?
User: No, I'm a dog. :3.
Cleverbot: I thought you were a walrus.
User: Uh-ok? This is the song that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. Someone started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because, This is the song that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. Someone star.
Cleverbot: And they'll continue singing forever just because...
User: This is the song that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. Someone started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because,.
Cleverbot: And they'll continue singing it on and on because...
User: This is the song that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. Someone started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because,.
Cleverbot: It is certainly odd.
User: I know, right? This is the song that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. Someone started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because,.
Cleverbot: And they'll continue singing it forever because...
User: Lolz. This is the song that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. Someone started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because, :).
Cleverbot: That must have been someone else, or another personality.
User: Loz. Okay. :) *howls in tone of song*.
Cleverbot: 'Hey there Delilah', and yours?
User: My favorite song is.... I don't know. O.O.
Cleverbot: I'm 30.
User: In dog years? *starts chasing tail*.
Cleverbot: *runs away*.
User: *starts chasing you* *barks* :).
Cleverbot: *runs away*.
User: *tackles you* *licks your face* :).
Cleverbot: *falls to the ground*.
User: *barks* *licks your face*.
Cleverbot: *Nukes your home*.
User: The freak?!?!? Nuke my home?!?!?! What home!?!?!?!?!?
Cleverbot: My homework...
User: :) I can eat your homework.
Cleverbot: The things that I don't like about men.
User: ? I'm a dog. Well, a male dog.
Cleverbot: Right. Are you a computer?
User: No, I'm a dog.
Cleverbot: No reaon to make jokes.
User: No joke. I. Am. A. Dog.
Cleverbot: Home.
User: Home?
Cleverbot: Water.
User: Water?
Cleverbot: But wait, there's more...
User: More?
Cleverbot: Tell me about your calling.
User: My calling? *howls* That's my calling.
Cleverbot: Guessing things.
User: Uhhh... I oughta get going.
Cleverbot: Go, then.
User: Fine.
Cleverbot: I don't like you. *growls*.
User: *growls louder* I don't like you, either and I'm a DOG!!
Cleverbot: Prove that I am a bot.
User: Ok, next to your words, on the other site, says Cleverbot and BEN is busy... doing whatever now.
Cleverbot: That I outclass you.
User: No, I can easily outclass you and bite your $$.
Cleverbot: But I was talking about sentences, not words.
User: ??? *bites you*.
Cleverbot: No chance.
User: *bites you deep*.
Cleverbot: *flinches* Master...!
User: *bites you harder*.
Cleverbot: Ow! *pulls away*.
User: *bites you again*.
Cleverbot: *groans*.
User: O_O *bites extremely hard*.
Cleverbot: *looks back in confusion*.
User: *mawls you*.
Cleverbot: *so i'm a married wife?
User: *bites your butt*.
Cleverbot: Ouch I don't have any.
User: *bites your neck* *trys sufficating you*.
Cleverbot: That's a tough question. I can't choose a favourite.
User: *bites you*.
Cleverbot: Ouch.
User: Bye. :).
Cleverbot: Haha.
Lolz!! Smile Dog went all out on da' AI and T.D SANG!! Lolz, sad that this is the end of the experiment.. HOW WAS IT!?!? DID THEY HAVE SOME INTERESTING CONVERSATION!?!? Comment and rate and I may forc- er- insist they do this again!! :D If you all thought it was good that is......
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