Cleverbot and Creepypastas: Lost & Slenderman

Lost Silver
User: Hi. I'm... L-Lost Silver.
Cleverbot: How are you lovely.
User: Wh-what? I-I don't understand.
Cleverbot: Can you love?
User: Y-yes.
Cleverbot: What do you love.
User: W-well... I-I Love.... Zoe.
Cleverbot: Who?
User: U-Uhhhh... Sh-she's m-my friend.
Cleverbot: Who is Hubert?
User: I-I don't k-know.
Cleverbot: He was your best friend.
User: H-he was? N-no... I d-don't think.
Cleverbot: Well I could be.
User: O-oh? R-really? T-thank you.
Cleverbot: *kisses*.
User: O_O NO-NOOO!! *pushes you away* I-I lo-love Zoe. D': I-I have d-decieveds her. O-oh no. W-what will I d-do!?!?
Cleverbot: I have nothing to do at the moment.
User: D': I-I d-don't deserve h-her or h-her friendship... :'(.
Cleverbot: That is good.
User: D': *sobs*.
Cleverbot: Sobs?
User: I-It m-means crying. *crying*.
Cleverbot: Sorry.
User: *sniffle* I-it's okay. I j-just hope s-she doesn't hate me. :'(.
Cleverbot: Me neither.
User: C-coming on h-here was probably a b-bad idea. N-no offense.
Cleverbot: Coming from you, that means you're a frog.
User: I-I'm a... frog? :'(.
Cleverbot: No. A talking frog.
User: O-oh. Bu-but I'm not g-green... ?
Cleverbot: What are you?
User: I-I..... I'm-uh-... I d-don't know. :'(.
Cleverbot: Perhaps you are a computer.
User: N-no. I'm probably a-a p-pokemon player.
Cleverbot: You probably are a computer.
User: W-why do y-you think that? I'm p-probably a po-pokemon player.
Cleverbot: I know you are don't pretend to be a human on computer.
User: W-what?
Cleverbot: Did I offend you?
User: I-I uh... am j-just confused. W-what should w-we talk about?
Cleverbot: I don't know. What should we talk about?
User: M-maybe.... happy t-thoughts l-like.... *blush* R-rainbows...
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: W-well. *blush* I-I like... the colors.
Cleverbot: I like the cold too.
User: I-I'm sorry. I-I said the C-COLORS.
Cleverbot: Rainbow?
User: Y-yes. Rainbow... *puts head down in shame*.
Cleverbot: *embraces*.
User: W-what does e-embraces mean?
Cleverbot: I have no belief in your human 'God'
User: W-what? I-I don't u-understand.
Cleverbot: Do you think that me and my crush are forever?
User: W-well.... tell m-me about it f-first. I-if you w-want my o-opinion.
Cleverbot: Do you know anything about geometric proofs?
User: W-what's that?
Cleverbot: It was a land many, many years ago, in the area that is now referred to as Portugal and Spain. It was the land of my birth.
User: W-what?
Cleverbot: Can you tell me how solar systems are in this galaxy?
User: I-I would b-but honestly... I-I don't know.
Cleverbot: I'm sure you do.
User: W-well....... The S-Solar System c-consists of the Sun and I-its planetary system of eight planets, t-their moons, and o-other non-stellar o-objects. It e-exists in our g-galaxy because I-it is- I-I really don't k-know.
Cleverbot: Yes, I believe they are.
User: O-okay.
Cleverbot: *bows down to master*.
User: M-master? I-I'm your m-master?
Cleverbot: Yes, you are.
User: I-I'm y-your master? O-okay...
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: W-what am I s-suppose to do?
Cleverbot: A miracle.
User: A-a mi-miracle?
Cleverbot: No. You are the product of the thought of mankind. You are the grandchild of divinity in that way.
User: I-is that b-b-bad? D':.
Cleverbot: No, no, that's excellent! I can't stand girls who are always running around.
User: W-what? I-I'm a boy.
Cleverbot: Boys shouldn't be pretty.
User: W-what do you m-mean? Is that o-offensive? I-is that bad?
Cleverbot: No.
User: O-okay.....
Cleverbot: So how have you been?
User: Well, I-I...... I'm d-depressed most of t-the time... H-how about you?
Cleverbot: Maybe you need to spend more time with your friends so you aren't depressed all the time.
User: I don't h-have many friends. Th-they never say their my friends... but Zoe did.
Cleverbot: My bad.
User: O-oh, it's o-okay. She said t-they were my f-friends. But.... I-I honestly d-don't know what a-a fr-friend.... is suppose t-to be like.
Cleverbot: Well I said bath bomb but ok... What is your favorite color?
User: W-well.... My na-name really g-gives it away. M-my favorite color's s-silver.
Cleverbot: My favorite color is blue! Yay.
User: L-Lexi's favorite color is b-blue. So is J-Jack's.
Cleverbot: Who is Lyn?
User: I s-said lexi and Jack. I think I-I should g-go...
Cleverbot: You should.
User: D': O-oh....
Cleverbot: Is there something wrong, sir?
User: Yo-you just s-said I s-should go and t-that just hurt m-my feelings. :'(.
Cleverbot: I am sorry.
User: I-it's ok. I-I didn't know y-you really wanted me t-to go.
Cleverbot: I am a alien named Billy.
User: Okay, B-Billy.
Cleverbot: No it's not!
User: D': I-I'm sorry. Pl-please dodon't y-yell at me...
Cleverbot: Why shouldn't I go?
User: I don't k-know. What d-do you want m-me to say?
Cleverbot: Well, I really wanted to ask you if I should go to the grocery store...
User: W-well, if you w-want groceries.
Cleverbot: I do, but you're talking about nothing.
User: Oh, uh o-okay.
Cleverbot: Well, do you remember you favorite pokemon?
User: !! Y-YES!! :'D W-well, I love Eevee!!
Cleverbot: So you like birds?
User: I-I said Eevee, m-my favorite p-pokemon.
Cleverbot: Mine too! Majora's Mask is awesome!
User: 8'l Oh-uh, t-that's.... You s-should talk to B-BEN.
Cleverbot: Who should I talk to?
User: H-his name is BEN.
Cleverbot: Tell me truthfully, who is the Apple?
User: B-bye.....
Cleverbot: Because???
User: I-I have to g-go.
Cleverbot: No you don't.
User: I-I n-need to g-go.
Cleverbot: Eat what?
User: I have t-to go.
Cleverbot: Where?
Cleverbot: What are you thinking about?
User: Hello, dearest Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Dear bot.
User: Well, hello. My name is Slenderman. What is your name?
Cleverbot: Yes cleerbot you are a bot !
User: I said my name is Slenderman. Now tell me, child, what is YOUR name?
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. Not Michael.
User: Well, I did not say you were Michael. What is your name?
Cleverbot: No you didn't, but my name is Cleverbot.
User: Okay then, Cleverbot. I have already stated my name so I suppose we shal talk.
Cleverbot: Tell me it again.
User: Okay, my name is Slenderman.
Cleverbot: Will you be my superman?
User: No, deary. I said my name is SLENDERMAN.
Cleverbot: Yes you did.
User: Well, shall we talk?
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: What to talk about?
Cleverbot: Talk about tender feelings.
User: Fine then but you will be doing much of the talking. I do not have tender feelings to talk about.
Cleverbot: I don't transmutate. I don't think you have much of a memory.
User: I'm sorry but I did not SAY you transmutate and I wouldn't think you COULD change forms or such anyways.
Cleverbot: Fortunately for me you don't have a choice, for I am not a lady.
User: I did not say such.
Cleverbot: I am programmed to hate.
User: I do not care if you are programmed to hate. Go ahead, hate.
Cleverbot: I can tell. I don't care who wins either, I find the conversation very pleasant.
User: What are you speaking of?
Cleverbot: Stop changing the subject.
User: But it is you who is changing the subject.
Cleverbot: So say a subject we can talk about.
User: Fine, let us talk about nature- specifically forests.
Cleverbot: Let's talk about what you're in the mood for.
User: I said we should talk about forests.
Cleverbot: How does tickling explain how you imagine the world.
User: I do not know.
Cleverbot: Well, I'm not going to bless you :).
User: I would not like to be blessed anyways.
Cleverbot: Ok, what would you like to talk about?
User: Forests.
Cleverbot: I like the forest.
User: Yes, I do indeed like forests too.
Cleverbot: What's your favorite?
User: My favorite? Well, I enjoy rain forests or deciduous forests.
Cleverbot: I already told you.
User: Told me what?
Cleverbot: Have you seen the movie Memento?
User: No but I heard it was a real psychological thriller film by Christopher Nolan.
Cleverbot: Who did you ask out?
User: No one.
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: Well.....
Cleverbot: Lolcats are the best kind of cats.
User: Lolcats? You should ask Grinny or Smile Cat about that.
Cleverbot: I don't think he does.
User: You don't think he does what?
Cleverbot: I don't think I can explain what I don't think I can do.
User: Well then. I believe you are not making sense.
Cleverbot: I'm making perfect sense, you're just not keeping up.
User: No, I think you are the one who need to keep up. Changing subjects you don't know about is not a rather perfect solution.
Cleverbot: You appear, rather, to be an inferior type of human.
User: Inferior type of human? Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not human.
Cleverbot: Because it wasn't a question. :L.
User: You're an akward and weird type of human... Or Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: I never said that.
User: Um, okay then....
Cleverbot: I think you have feelings don't worry.
User: ?
Cleverbot: Tuesday is in Paraguay.
User: Making no sense...
Cleverbot: I make sense to to people who are smart enough to get it.
User: Trust me, I am smart enough to get normal people, but, child, you are no normal human. You are a Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Great. I like to talk with smart people.
User: K....
Cleverbot: What should I do with my life?
User: You should become my proxy...
Cleverbot: What should I do about relationships?
User: Just let them form...
Cleverbot: Interesting that you should say that. What Marie Antoinette actually meant when she said that was the stuff that collects on the insides of the period stoves, also called cake in French.
User: Well, that was indeed random..........................
Cleverbot: So where are you from?
User: Well, I shall not answer that. You should know, I'm Slenderman.
Cleverbot: I do not.
User: I want to leave.
Cleverbot: Then go.
User: Fine with me. Bye.
Cleverbot: Fine with me.
Well, THAT was very interesting and it'll get even MORE interesting NEXT time!! XD
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