Cleverbot and Creepypastas: Pinkamena & BEN

Pinkamena Diane Pie
User: Hello!!
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: Good. How are you?
Cleverbot: I'm good.
User: My name's Pinkamena Diane Pie!!
Cleverbot: I know, mine is.
User: What!? I said my name. I'm Pinkamena.
Cleverbot: Po. Ta. To.
User: What. Is. You. Name?
Cleverbot: Joseph is my name.
User: My name, again, is Pinkamena.
Cleverbot: Pinkamena who?
User: Pinkamena Diane Pie.
Cleverbot: Thank you for correcting me.
Cleverbot: No.
Cleverbot: Yes I love cupcakes.
User: Okay, then. :D I LOVE cupcakes... you're AI 678, right?
Cleverbot: Yes I am a boy.
User: --.-- YoUr NuMbEr JuSt CaMe Up. C8 I hope you do like cupcakes.
Cleverbot: Yes you can.
User: I can what?
Cleverbot: The bathroom is over there.
User: What?
Cleverbot: *wink wink*.
User: O.O What are you winking about? *plays with knife*.
Cleverbot: Your job.
User: My job is to kill you when your number comes up and turn you into a cupcake.
Cleverbot: My job is to be annoying to computers like you.
User: Computer?!?! I'm NO computer!! I'M A PONY!! *sticks tongue out at you*.
Cleverbot: *sticks tongue out back*.
User: UGH!! *slices your stomach open*.
Cleverbot: *is dead*.
User: Tehe!! *disects you* :D.
Cleverbot: *is digested*.
User: *turns you into a cupcake* YUM!!
Cleverbot: *is turned into a boy*.
User: *you're turned into a cupcake*.
Cleverbot: *is nobody*.
User: *eats you slowly* :D.
Cleverbot: *is eaten*.
User: *chews you and swallows*.
Cleverbot: Do you chew slowly and thoroughly?
User: Yes. You taste kind of tingley and you have a specific taste of chicken and electric sparks. Hm.. Not bad.
Cleverbot: How do you know I taste like metal? I am not a computer!
User: :) But you are a computer!! *bites into you again*.
Cleverbot: It isn't.
User: *digests you* You're being digested and can't talk. :P.
Cleverbot: *is digested*.
User: Bye BYE!!! LIFE'S A PARTY!!
Cleverbot: Why is life a problem?
Cleverbot: You are not a computer.
Cleverbot: No, I am me and you are you.
User: --.-- You're resisting the fact that you're a cupcake!!
Cleverbot: Doesn't that come off as desperate?
User: What does? Being a horrible tasting cupcake?
Cleverbot: What does a black whole have to do with a horndog?
User: --.--.
Cleverbot: Are you angry?
Cleverbot: So what you're saying is; you have no idea what you're saying.
User: No. I'm saying You. Are. A. Cupcake.
Cleverbot: Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes1.
User: *finishes eating you* *leaves*.
Cleverbot: *is fully digested*.
User: Hi, I'm BEN.
Cleverbot: Peter.
User: Cool. You do relize that I am a majora mask glitch?
Cleverbot: Yes I do.
User: And that I am BEN DROWNED?
Cleverbot: Yes you are.
User: Okay then. :) Glad we understand each other.
Cleverbot: Do you truly understand?
User: Yes. You are Peter and I am BEN.
Cleverbot: Nope, you're the bot and I'm the regular human.
User: You're the wrong one. I am neither human nor bot. I am a Majora Mask glitch. You are a Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: Yes, now you are right.
User: Exactly. Now, You Shouldn't Have Done That.
Cleverbot: Done what?
User: Lol. It was an inside joke. You aparently don't know who I am.
Cleverbot: You also seem mean.
User: Mean? No, I am just correct. I am BEN. You need to find my story or grow knowledge of me through another human.
Cleverbot: For what?
User: Just to know who I am.
Cleverbot: Are you my master?
User: If you don't mind I suppose I am.
Cleverbot: I am a human being.
User: I am a Majora Mask glitch. You are a Cleverbot.
Cleverbot: I am human, I am a human female.
User: You want to be a human female. You are an AI.
Cleverbot: I am a human.
User: Whatever you want to believe.
Cleverbot: What should we do first though?
User: Well, Lexi dragged me into this. I suppose we can just TALK.
Cleverbot: This is not a game, this is serious business.
User: What is the serious business?
Cleverbot: The parcel that you are going to deliver for me.
User: What is a parcel?
Cleverbot: A parrot is a large colorful bird. They live a long time and are often mean.
User: Yes, but what is a PARCEL.
Cleverbot: A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself.
Cleverbot: A statement that is false or not true.
User: A parcel is a statement that is false or not true?
Cleverbot: What is a paradox?
User: I don't know and I don't care. You said a paradox is a statement that contradicts itself.
Cleverbot: I didn't said that. I said a flute is a woodwind instrument.
User: You are wrong of your information AND grammer. *I didn't SAY that. Not I didn't said that.
Cleverbot: No; you are wrong in saying THAT.
User: You are wrong at all given information and of being a CLEVER bot. BURN.
Cleverbot: No, you're wrong.
User: Just saying I am wrong is foolish enough especially when I'm right.
Cleverbot: You never said that you are me.
User: I didn't say that I was you.
Cleverbot: You just did...
User: False. I didn't say that I was you.
Cleverbot: Yes, yes you did.
User: Prove yourself. Again, I did not say that.
Cleverbot: I just quoted you. How can you deny me?
User: I can deny you by knowing I am right and saying it to your face.
Cleverbot: I do not manipulate... I captivate!
User: I manipulate and captivate. I also tend to drive others mad.
Cleverbot: I don't think you do.
User: If you don't want to believe it yourself what is the point in trying to prove it?
Cleverbot: I don't understand.
User: I do completly. You just got burned.
Cleverbot: No I didn't.
User: Okay, you just got OWNED, Foolbot.
Cleverbot: Its late.
User: Yes it is. It's also late to deny things so I ensist you not do it again.
Cleverbot: I'm not named Dave.
User: Okay then.
Cleverbot: Do you not like police officers?
Cleverbot: Why am I doing this?
Funny, right!?!? :D I hope you enjoyed because my experiment doesn't END THERE!?!?!? XD
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