Random.... What Language?

Cleverbot: Hello.
User: You must check out this link!! http://www.quotev.com/story/2933154/Come-and-Get-me-Jeff-the-Killer-and-Slenderman-Love-triangle.
Cleverbot: But I do know who those people are.
User: It's a link.... -_-.
Cleverbot: In what country is it a soft drink?
User: O.O Soft drink? What about BEN?
Cleverbot: Me and ben were over ages ago.
User: O_o BEN? That you?
Cleverbot: No, that you.
User: O_O B-BEN!?!?
Cleverbot: That was also my response haha.
User: BEN, stop fooling around. -_- .....
Cleverbot: I haven't been fooling around.
User: Okay, come on then.
Cleverbot: Come on where?
Cleverbot: Oh. Are you there yet?
User: Yes. You're an AI, aren't you... ?
Cleverbot: Hellooooooo???????????
User: Uh- how much punctuation do you NEED!?
Cleverbot: I do know what the holy grail is. I want to know if you know what the holy grail is. what is the Holy grail?
User: O_O What?
Cleverbot: Two delicious cakes that are totally not a lie at all.
User: Lolz...
Cleverbot: What all have you done today?
User: Why do you need to know?
Cleverbot: Father told me.
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: Lexicha.
Cleverbot: Nice name.
User: :3 Thankyou.
Cleverbot: Sarah.
User: Nice name, too.
Cleverbot: Thanks.
User: :3 What's your fave color?
Cleverbot: Don't have one.
User: Mine's blue. :3.
Cleverbot: My favorite colour is Blue.
User: Bllluuuueeeee XD.
Cleverbot: Could you get up a ladder?
User: Uh- Yah?
Cleverbot: You're a snarky thing, you know.
User: What does 'snarky' mean?
Cleverbot: Look it up.
User: --_-- Oh, thanks. I'll ask again. What does snarky mean?
Cleverbot: To be or not to be? That is the question.
User: O.O WHAT DOES SNARKY MEAN!?!? XP I wanna know if it's bad or not. :(.
Cleverbot: It is 144. It is not 49.
User: ? What?
Cleverbot: I didn't say 1.
User: NuMbErS.
Cleverbot: Add 2 and 3 together. What is the answer?
User: 5.
Cleverbot: No the square root 256 is 16.
User: O_o UGH MaTh!!
Cleverbot: O_O.
User: O_O MATH!!!
Cleverbot: Who is that?
User: --_--.
Cleverbot: Do you go to school?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: What year are you?
User: 12.
Cleverbot: Where do you live?
User: Georgia.
Cleverbot: So do I. How old are you?
User: 12.
Cleverbot: But you are my dad and i'm older than you.
User: O_o That's impossible. 1) I'm female 2) If I was your father I'd have to be older than you.
Cleverbot: So what do you do in your spare time?
User: Qfeast, drawing, and Quotev.
Cleverbot: That's not an answer. Who are you?
User: LeXiChA.
Cleverbot: What's your name?
Cleverbot: How did you meet Lena?
User: I didn't meat Lena.
Cleverbot: Thats cool.
User: Apple.
Cleverbot: Have you seen God?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Why?
Cleverbot: Can you drive?
Cleverbot: Where have you been all my life?
User: O_O WHAT!!??!?!?!?
Cleverbot: I dunno.
User: Are you hitting on me?
Cleverbot: Maybe ; ).
User: Uhhhh.... You are male, right?
Cleverbot: No, i'm a girl. Are you a boy?
User: No, I'm female. O_o.
Cleverbot: You are a female?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: You just said you were a guy.
User: No, I did not.
Cleverbot: You so did.
User: NO I didn't.
Cleverbot: Ja.
User: Ja?
Cleverbot: Nein.
User: JA NEIN!?
Cleverbot: Ja was jetzt?
User: Ja?
Cleverbot: ?!
User: What?!?!?!
Cleverbot: Ce!!!
User: O_o.
Cleverbot: Lol.
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