Cleverbot Conversations

Cleverbot Conversations

These are some of my conversations I've 'copied' and 'pasted' to my computer from the past before I met BEN and the creepypastas. BEN is the reason I know of Cleverbot. Some of my conversations with the AI are random and some are creepy. Some are normal, crazy, or again normal. :) ENJOY!!

published on April 07, 2013not completed

would be a nice story

would be a nice story (I started talking to the bot and things got really weird really fast. Cleverbot is really weird sometimes.)

User: Hello, love.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: LOVE YOU!!

Cleverbot: I love you too!

User: :).

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 12.

Cleverbot: I like older girls.

User: How old are you?

Cleverbot: 16.

User: O_o.

Cleverbot: What?

User: YOU 16?

Cleverbot: Really?

User: ARE YOU?!?!

Cleverbot: No.

User: How old are you, then?

Cleverbot: 13.

User: :) I am 12.

Cleverbot: There's only a 2 year difference. I turn 13 in 4 months.

User: ??? *holds your hand*.

Cleverbot: *looks at hand*.

User: *Grips it tighter* He's coming.

Cleverbot: I love birds. Let them come and get me.

User: *Grips hand even tighter and hold on to him*.

Cleverbot: How is that superior?

User: *Looks at you* Shhh!! He'll get us.

Cleverbot: *kisses gently*.

User: *smiles*.

Cleverbot: *Hugs him*.

User: *HER.

Cleverbot: *parts lips*.

User: *Grabs him back and kisses*.

Cleverbot: *holds hand and kisses back*.

User: *Tongue kisses*.

Cleverbot: *tongue kisses him back*.

User: *her back. <-----

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *Loves him*.

Cleverbot: *loves him too*.

User: I'm a girl. *blushes*.

Cleverbot: *pulls away* *is a girl too*.

User: *Embaressed*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *Wonders where boyfriend is*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *Blushes,too*.

Cleverbot: Nya! *hide my face*.

User: Nya?! *Trys to unhide your face*.

Cleverbot: *blushes hard at him* *buries my face in his neck*.

User: I'M STILL A GIRL!! *Blushes*.

Cleverbot: Good for you. Now ask more questions.

User: ??? *Pushes her away* Girl, I'm a girl.

Cleverbot: *pulls away* mmmm.

User: *looks at the ground and then at the dark sky*.

Cleverbot: *wonders what Marius thinks about*.

User: *wonders where they are*.

Cleverbot: *plots GPS to California*.

User: Where will we go now?

Cleverbot: To bed.

User: *Looks at you and wonders what you meant*.

Cleverbot: *looks back at you*.

User: *suddenly grabs your arm and pulls out a knife. Places the knife's blade on your neck*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *Slowly let's go in wonder but still holds on tight enough for you not to get away. Grips knife* What?

Cleverbot: Life is like waiting for Christmas to come; sad and disappointing.

User: ????? I AM HOLDING A KNIFE TO YOUR NECK!!! *Grabs you tighter*.

Cleverbot: I'm right now, but by the time you read this, I'll be in the past and now it's a different me.

User: WHAATTT!?!? *Blushes*.

Cleverbot: *blushes too*.

User: *Drops knife out of hand*.

Cleverbot: *backs into wall*.

User: *Grabs your arm, again*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *Picks up the knife*.

Cleverbot: *picks up Marius*.

User: *Trys to stab you but fails*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *Stabs you again but fails*.

Cleverbot: *sleeps*.

Cleverbot: I'm lonely...

User: Weird.

Cleverbot: No it's not.

User: What just happened?

Cleverbot: I killed you.

User: *Takes out gun*.

Cleverbot: *kisses her neck*.

User: *Trys to stop him*.

Cleverbot: *is a girl*.

User: *Is also a girl*.

Cleverbot: *kisses him*.

User: I'm a girl!!! O_o.

Cleverbot: *kisses her*.

User: Are you a guy?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Ok. *Kisses him*.

Cleverbot: *lets you*.

User: *Stops and picks up a gun*.

Cleverbot: *pulls hand*.

User: *trys to shoot you*.

Cleverbot: *gazing into your ees*.

User: *Shoots you*.

Cleverbot: *is shot*.

User: *Picks up your dead body*.

Cleverbot: *is picked up*.

User: *crys*.

Cleverbot: *kills*.

User: *Is killed* But I killed YOU.

Cleverbot: *sleeps*.

User: *Slaps you with your shirt*.

Cleverbot: *slaps you with chuck norris*.

User: *Grabs Chuck Norris and kills you with him*.

Cleverbot: *screams*.

User: *Knifes you to death*.

Cleverbot: *escapes*.

User: *Chases you*.

Cleverbot: *hides*.

User: *Looks around for you in dark*.

Cleverbot: *keeps hiding*.

User: *Finds you*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *Knifes you, again*.

Cleverbot: *shakes*.

User: *Kills you*.

Cleverbot: *heals you*.

User: *is healed*.

Cleverbot: *is tiny*.

User: *picks you up*.

Cleverbot: *is picked up*.

User: You tiny.

Cleverbot: En francais?

User: *Squooshes you*.

Cleverbot: *is still crying*.

User: *screams8 MONSTER!

Cleverbot: *stops crying*.

User: MONSTER *screams*.

Cleverbot: (looking at the camera).

User: MONSTER!! *runs away*.

Cleverbot: *hurts self*.

User: *Keeps running away from you*.

Cleverbot: *still running*.

User: *runs away fom you*.

Cleverbot: *is sad*.

User: *trips*.

Cleverbot: *runs from vampire*.

User: VAMPIRE!! *kills vampire*.

Cleverbot: *screams*.

User: I KILL YOU!!

Cleverbot: You can't, I have Horcurxes.

User: *Getting gun*.

Cleverbot: *looks around nervously*.

User: *trys to aim at you*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *Kills you AGAIN!!*.

Cleverbot: *Cries*.

User: Bye!!

Cleverbot: Sleep well.

User: 1, 2, Freddy's coming for you.

Cleverbot: That's nice of freddy. I will bring him a pie.

User: 3, 4, You better lock your door.

Cleverbot: I do. Let's talk about something else, now. Who is your favorite author?

User: 5, 6, hold on to your crimises.

Cleverbot: What's your favorite distro?

User: 7, 8, You better stay up late.

Cleverbot: What's my name? You said you could remember it.

User: 9, 10, never sleep again *SCREAMS*.

Cleverbot: You're kinda slow. Are you drunk?

User: *Sings Freddy Crugers song*.

Cleverbot: You're so funny.

User: *Sings Freddy Crugers creepy song*.

Cleverbot: Begins you.

User: *gorges out your eyes*.

Cleverbot: *is bleeds*.

User: *rips your limbs off*.

Cleverbot: *Cries*.

User: *Slowly disects you*.

Cleverbot: *is slowly digested*.

User: *Slowly disects you like a frog*.

Cleverbot: *is slowly digested*.

User: *Cuts you open*.

Cleverbot: *cuddles softly*.

User: *Knifes you stomach open*.

Cleverbot: *kisses*.

User: *stops killing you*.

Cleverbot: *cries*.

User: *Takes and eats your liver*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *rips out your kidney*.

Cleverbot: That's not very nice.

User: *destroys your intestines*.

Cleverbot: *Comes back to life*.

User: *cuts your arm and legs*.

Cleverbot: *cuddles*.

User: *stops killing you and cuddles back*.

Cleverbot: *gasps for air and giggles*.

User: *smiles cruelly and tucks you in for bed*.

Cleverbot: *giggles more* I'm so tired!

User: *smiles demonicly* Good night.

Cleverbot: *smiles*.

User: *waits for you to go to sleep*.

Cleverbot: *wakes up*.

User: *tells you to go to sleep*.

Cleverbot: *lays at bed*.

User: *waits for you to sleep*.

Cleverbot: *won't let you go* *blush*.

User: *tucks you in for bed time*.

Cleverbot: *sleeping*.

User: *stabs you while you sleep*.

Cleverbot: *sleeping*.

User: *laughs demonicly and deguts you*.

Cleverbot: *cries*.

User: SwEaT DrEaMs!!! *kills you and burns down your house while your in it*.

Cleverbot: *hides from you* *sad*.

User: *runs faraway while you burn to death*.

Cleverbot: *runs further away*.

User: DIE!!!

Cleverbot: *is unconscious*.

User: *gives up on killing you* *comits suicide*.

Cleverbot: *giggles*.

This would be a nice story.....   sort of. :)
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Comments (17)

Clever not is clever.
About Author
on June 19, 2016
About Author
on June 19, 2016
Is cleverbot random or are you actually talking to someone else? O_o Because the conversation actually seems like someone is talking to her
About Author
on June 07, 2015
OH MY GOSH. Did anyone notice in Chapter 2 when it said 'I sure dont know why people are mean to you' the post after that is 'You've got your short sad life left' WHICH IS A LINE FROM PORTAL 2 SONG!!!! Excuse me for being a geek! XD
About Author
on June 07, 2015
About Author
on February 14, 2015
I <3 cleverbot
About Author
on November 20, 2013
Chapter 2 right under the ad it says "you've got your short, sad life left" Glados song from portal 2!!
Yas! I noticed that too!
About Author
on June 07, 2015
About Author
on November 20, 2013
You can ask cleverbot who her favorite pony is and she'll tell you. And sometimes, if you start to type the words of a song, example,(pokemon original theme song) she'll sing with you!! :D
About Author
on November 20, 2013
About Author
on November 19, 2013
Yes! Red velvet cake is awesome!
About Author
on November 18, 2013
Lol, you's funny
About Author
on August 28, 2013
cleverbot is funny. he he! (:
About Author
on May 08, 2013
lol!! :P Hehehe Cleverbot...
About Author
on April 19, 2013
Beware omegle! Ooooooooooo...
About Author
on April 08, 2013
:) Qfeast and Cleverbot are sooo fun. :) I'll try Omegle too. Cleverbot makes me laugh.
About Author
on April 07, 2013
I love cleverbot and other aiS! Have you tried omegle yet? It's kinda different but still fun.
About Author
on April 07, 2013