Chapter 23- Ying and Yang

"We have two new students today, please come in."
A boy and a girl entered the room. As soon as I saw them I got shivers down my spine. They had a air of evil about them. The girl had long black hair with purple eyes. She had straight bangs and pale skin. Two black demon horns came from her forehead, curved like a cresent moon. She had a black tail with a heart tip.
Her brother on the other hand, for they looked related, had white hair and white horns. He had deep purple eyes and he looked serious. His tail was longer, with some strange spikes on the end. He was also taller.
"Please introduce yourselves"
"My name is Scar, and this is Scratch. We're twins." Scar smiled while she spoke, and I saw a hint of white teeth.
"Thank you, you may now take your seat."
Scar and Scratch went to their desks. As scar walked down the aisle she saw Solus, and grinned. Solus narrowed his eyes at her. I felt uneasy. Something was going on.
As I left class I dropped my books. Papers scattered across the floor. As I bent to pick them up I noticed Scar and Scratch leaving the room. One was in front of Solus, the other behind. Scratch stopped at the doorway and glanced back at me, then shook his head and kept walking. Puzzled, I stood up and followed them. I was far enough away that they wouldn't notice me, yet close enough that I wouldn't lose track of them. When all the students cleared out I watched as Scar suddenly grabbed Solus's shirt and pinned him against a wall. He didn't flinch, like he expected it.
"You, me, back of the school. Now."
"And if I don't go you will kill me?"
Scar smiled and her grip loosened a bit.
"Wouldn't make much difference huh?"
"Let's just get this over with."
Scar let go and all three of them went outside, towards the back of the school. I clenched my fists and followed, preparing for the worst.
Once they reached the back of the school I ran and peeked around a corner. Scar had him pinned against the wall again, possibly so he wouldn't escape, and I saw scratch keeping a safe distance away. His arms were crossed and he looked to be guarding her. Either that or looking out for eavesdroppers like me. I focused on Solus. He seemed surprisingly calm, but I knew better then to assume things.
"What do you want from me?"
"Tsk, why do you think we want something from you angel boy? What if we just wanted to talk?" She tilted her head to the side and smiled, almost evilly. I felt uneasy.
"Don't play innocent with me. Any demon that comes after me wants to kill me or hurt me."
She dropped the smile.
"Well, I wouldn't be surprised. You see, we're on a mission. And in this mission I get to do whatever I want. So I suggest you be a little more friendly angel boy. Besides, isn't your race supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows? You know, little angel girls running through fields of flowers or some shit. Your not giving the right impression."
"Don't believe in stereotypes. We're all different. If you actually stuck around us you will quickly drop your lies."
Solus shoved her away and started walking away from her. She grinned and said almost sweetly.
"Oh, I've met your kind before."
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and thanks
I just think this book deserves 5
Tho tbh I'm just glad people like my book lol
guess what!
I added new chapters
And finished the book
1. souuls died
2. the book end ed
me after i read it: HELL YEAH BEAT THEIR ASS SOLUS!!
@AlphaWolf71808 @Your.local.idiot
I made more lol. Sorry it took so long things have been happening-
(Dang moonston its tough knowing lots of people-)
@moonston See More
In case you didn't read it
Chapter 9 is done
After all, I am a whiz with quizzes
Susie went on a walk across See More the park. Suddenly--
The word 'suddenly' adds suspense, and makes you want to know what happens next. You read on, often quicker, to match the pace of the story.
When your ending a chapter, put something that finishes your thought, yet has potential to open up the next chapter. I'm not sure how to make an example of this, so just look at the last sentence or words at the end of my chapters. It SHOULD make you think, make you wonder, what is going to happen next. Or even make some theories in your head for later in the book.
Out of curiosity, what do you think is going to happen next in my book?
I hope I'm not confusing. that's one tip.
For example, Ash (which can be a boy or a girl), has problems with their magic, and feels like Solus is kind and mysterious. She thinks he is powerful, but holding See More back.
In Solus's opinion (which I don't want to spoil anything so I'll be vague), doesn't feel right in the class. He is different, and everyone knows he's differernt, so he hides his secrets and thoughts well. In chapter 7, he starts taking more notice in Ash, cause she helped him.
I'm really glad you like chapter 6, I wasn't sure about it
did you see the authors note at the bottom?
I'm glad you like the story, and I will happily take suggestions