Chapter 16- Disappearance

"I said nevermind."
Was it just me or was there a edge of annoyance in his voice? Either way, I was annoyed myself that he wasn't telling me, so I didn't put too much thought into it.
"How come you don't tell me things? You know I would try to help you!"
"You can't."
"How do you know that?" I demanded. I knew I was pushing the limits. But I had to know.
"Because no-one can!" He snapped. I went quiet. I've never seen him angry before..
After a moment Solus sighed.
"I'm sorry, Ash. I'm just frustrated, that's all."
"I-its alright."
"I'll be back, just need some fresh air." He stood up and raised his wings, then flew off. I didn't realize how fast he could go until I saw it. Well now what am I going to do?
I was still waiting after 10 minutes, cleaning up the binders and papers when I heard a voice.
"Your friends with the angel boy huh?"
I turned and saw a boy. He had ashy coloured skin, black hair, and red eyes. But that wasn't what bothered me. He had a black, long, demon tail hovering just above the ground. The tip was in the shape of a arrow, except half of it didn't exist. His cold smile showed the hint of the famous demon fangs in his mouth.
A shiver went down my spine. There aren't too many demons left, and they rarely show themselves. Legend says that some of them have intense power worthy of angels... but it isn't common.
"w-why do you want to know?" I hated the slight quiver in my voice. It made the demon smile more.
"Because I want to meet him."
There was something in his voice. He wanted to hurt Solus. The thought made me upset.
"Well too bad, he flew off."
"I'm not going to play games. What's your name?"
I hesitated "Ash"
"My name is Alex. Now 'Ash'... Where did he go?"
I had no idea. But I couldn't just tell him that. I had to lead him away before Solus comes back.
"He flew in that direction." I pointed to the opposite direction he went.
"Liar" He sneered. Suddenly a skull splitting pain drove itself into my mind. I screamed and fell, clutching my head. I curled into a ball, trying desperately to protect myself in my head. All my shields did was lessen the pain slightly. Suddenly another wave of pain wracked my weary mind. I whimpered, shutting myself down in order to save myself. I saw the evil smile on Alex's face at my pain. Suddenly I heard a whoosh of air, and Solus landed in front of me, facing Alex. He had a sword out. The sudden attack on my mind abated. The lack of pain made me feel loopy. Was it just me or was Solus's sword made of sparkles? And his wings.. did he have 4? I smiled lazily, my brain recovering.
Alex had a whip in his hand. Then he suddenly--
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and thanks
I just think this book deserves 5
Tho tbh I'm just glad people like my book lol
guess what!
I added new chapters
And finished the book
1. souuls died
2. the book end ed
me after i read it: HELL YEAH BEAT THEIR ASS SOLUS!!
@AlphaWolf71808 @Your.local.idiot
I made more lol. Sorry it took so long things have been happening-
(Dang moonston its tough knowing lots of people-)
@moonston See More
In case you didn't read it
Chapter 9 is done
After all, I am a whiz with quizzes
Susie went on a walk across See More the park. Suddenly--
The word 'suddenly' adds suspense, and makes you want to know what happens next. You read on, often quicker, to match the pace of the story.
When your ending a chapter, put something that finishes your thought, yet has potential to open up the next chapter. I'm not sure how to make an example of this, so just look at the last sentence or words at the end of my chapters. It SHOULD make you think, make you wonder, what is going to happen next. Or even make some theories in your head for later in the book.
Out of curiosity, what do you think is going to happen next in my book?
I hope I'm not confusing. that's one tip.
For example, Ash (which can be a boy or a girl), has problems with their magic, and feels like Solus is kind and mysterious. She thinks he is powerful, but holding See More back.
In Solus's opinion (which I don't want to spoil anything so I'll be vague), doesn't feel right in the class. He is different, and everyone knows he's differernt, so he hides his secrets and thoughts well. In chapter 7, he starts taking more notice in Ash, cause she helped him.
I'm really glad you like chapter 6, I wasn't sure about it
did you see the authors note at the bottom?
I'm glad you like the story, and I will happily take suggestions