your future dress is gunna be long and beutifull and youre gunna walk down the isle starring into your dreamers eyes telling him hes the hottest guy youve eva met
Erasing memories is extremely useful. Whenever a mortal person witnesses you or someone else do something that's supposed to be secret, you can wipe their memories. You have the ability to control how many memories you erase, and you can also read minds - but only the minds of people whose memories you have erased. Your Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff, your colors are green, yellow, gray, and blue, and your Greek god is Artemis.
You are kind and spicy in every way. Though you can do some bad things they are always for good intension. You are very strong minded and smart and once you start something you never stop.
You are spicy and fierce and is always clever. You have tons of friends and would always stick up for them. Everyone knows you. Though you have many enemies you know how to defend yourself