What plant are you? (1) Believe it or not this isn't a stupid quiz. Find out if you're a smiling daisy or a vicious venus fly trap! amandamiller08 published on April 11, 2015 Stacked 1/9 What is your favorite drink? Coke Gatorade sprite orange juice I don't know 2/9 You see someone sitting alone at lunch you... You go up and say hi they look really nice. keep you distance. They are kind of freaking you out. invite them to sit with you. They could be an awesome addition to the gang. sit down with them. ignore them and go take your spot. 3/9 How would you describe yourself? A BIG BALL OF RAINBOW AWSOMENESS!!!!!! Cool and collective misunderstood athletic calm and feisty 4/9 What is your favorite color? Yellow or pink dark green red neon colors black or navy 5/9 What is your favorite band? Beatles Kiss One Direction Rolling Stones The McCoys 6/9 Where would your ideal vacation spot be? THE BEACH OF COURSE!!! Germany Las Vegas! New York! Swiss Alps 7/9 What is your ideal pet? a little tiny bay puppy! hamster big dog cat Anything exotic 8/9 What is your favorite decade of music? 2000 and up (modern) 80s 70s 60s 90s 9/9 What is your favorite genre? Comedy action-adventure something sport related romantic horror