Thank you for reading my clove and cato stories! i will defo make diffrent stories now! hope you enjoyed them :)
on January 03, 2013

simclove added a new chapter to CLOVE AND CATO PART 4
district 14
i thought i was dead but i wake up in a hovercraft. ''Cato!'' i scream but no one comes to help. im guessing im dead and im in heaven or something but its real. ''Im dead'' i say shaking the nursers who are putting millions of injections in me. ''no we will explain everything later'' says the nurse putting a plaster on my arm. i fall back asleep.. after a few hours i wake up and my eyes are burning with the lights. a huge man stands in front of me peering over me. ''Who are you?'' i say pushi...
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on January 03, 2013

simclove added a new chapter to CLOVE AND CATO PART 4
the games part 7
I wake up by the sound of mockingjays singing. i shake cato. ''Cato its time, im going to get our backpack now you search for the tributes'' i say stuffing knifes in my jackets. ''Good luck'' says cato. ''Yeah same to you'' i say hugging him. As i run in the woods i realize im very early so i stop and sit down at the pond and fill up my bottle. Then i get back up again and run to the cornucopia where 4 backpacks are on a table. i hide at the back of the cornucopia so if any tributes come i ca...
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on January 03, 2013

simclove added a new chapter to CLOVE AND CATO PART 4
The games part 6
''Wheres marvel?'' i say shaking cato. ''I dont no'' he says picking up swords . ''Shall we go find him?'' i say looking at cato. ''Yeah cmon'' he says jumping down the cornucopia. Its about an hour when we stop and take a breath. ''Do you think the cannon was for him?'' i say pulling the grass from the ground. ''Well there was 2 cannons'' says cato. ''What? i didnt hear the second one'' i say wiping the sweat off my face. ''Why dont we just see who's faces come in the sky?'' says cato smilin...
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on January 03, 2013

simclove added a new chapter to CATO AND CLOVE PART 3
The games part 4
Im awake but still lying down on the floor because im just to tierd. I can hear the rustling of leaves but i dont look up.. then boom a nest falls down... i try to kick them and i start running towards the pond waving my arms around the air trying to get rid of these terrible things... i can hear screams behind me i no its glimmer but im not going back to help her after what shes done these days... i run faster and jump into the pond which gets rid of the horrible things.. as we all sit down ...
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on January 02, 2013

on December 10, 2012

simclove added a new chapter to CLOVE AND CATO (PART 2)
I sat there on my bed thinking about who to target first...glimmer?or that thresh guy he looks quite big.. or katniss,yes katniss, shes going to ruin my chance of winning so ill kill katniss the girl on fire first. my thoughts were interrupted by cato. ''clove, i just want to say one thing before the games.... Good Luck''. i smiled. '' same to you cato!''. enobaria ran through the door. ''Time to go into the arena'' smiled enobaria. i quickly got changed in our outfits. they were simple and b...
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on December 10, 2012

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Which career are you from the 74th hunger games?
on December 09, 2012

thanks for adding my quiz to your fav!
on December 08, 2012