Dabi todoroki is the only smart one on here no offense

Okay boomer
on December 01, 2019

nah im actually a dumb ass if u get to know me well
on November 26, 2019
on November 26, 2019

Why are you guys copying my friend and me on my walls. I’ll make you all regret it
on November 26, 2019

on November 26, 2019

I don't know if I should post my backstory or not because it's really depressing... You'd be depressed reading it.
on November 26, 2019

I don't know if I should post my backstory or not because it's really depressing... You'd be depressed reading it.
on November 26, 2019

Okay. Why the f**k is everyone copying what I'm saying? I don't see what's so funny...

I don't know if I should post my backstory or not because it's really depressing... You'd be depressed reading it.
on November 26, 2019
on November 26, 2019

There's only 1 person I can trust on this website.. Full of shit people.
on November 26, 2019

I'm gonna go listen to 30 Seconds to Mars. and Bring me to the Horizon... It takes the pain and misery out of my life...
on November 26, 2019

I'm not Dabi you dumb f*cks. I hate getting bullied both on Qfeast and IRL.
on November 26, 2019

I don't have my email verified yet I will soon I hope
I don't have my email verified yet I will soon I hope
on November 26, 2019

Brea seems like a b*tch no offense...
on November 26, 2019

There's only 1 person I can trust on this website.. Full of shit people.
on November 26, 2019

I'm sick of you f**king people making fun of me... I get bullied everyday and have a horrible home life and you guys just mock me? You guys will regret f**king with me... Mark my words...
on November 26, 2019

Hey guys I am @Dabi_Todoroki's long lost sister @Shoto_Todoroki. I have a really complex backstory that you guys probably wouldn't understand... I also have a pretty dark side so yeah

on March 13, 2020
on November 25, 2019

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXDC89tZ4IQ I relate to this song so much. It's like me when you get on my bad side

Three Days Grace-Animal I Have Become Lyrics
I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG. Song: Animal I Have Become Artist: Three Days Grace Created By RockinBassPlayer3 I can't escape this hell So many times I've tried Bu...
on November 25, 2019

Hey guys I am @Dabi_Todoroki's long lost sister @Shoto_Todoroki. I have a really complex backstory that you guys probably wouldn't understand... I also have a pretty dark side so yeah
on November 25, 2019