I'm bored and free and extremely need something to distract rn so pls send me smthg
I'm bored and free and extremely need something to distract rn so pls send me smthg
on January 27, 2020

on January 26, 2020

not all things that give you pleasure are good things. no matter how happy it makes you you gotta cut it out of your life because it's toxic .
on January 26, 2020

I'm terrified to rp ever again
on January 25, 2020

on January 25, 2020

*has many projects to submit and it's the deadline , tests *
My dumbass: skips school because mental peace is more important
My dumbass: skips school because mental peace is more important
on January 25, 2020

I have these fking projects to complete and I'm pissed , scared , annoyed , stressed all at the same time
on January 24, 2020

I'm going to beat tf out of them if they keep me on read again. Like Bitch reply
on January 24, 2020

Tellonym allows you to receive anonymous and honest feedback from everyone who is important to you.
on January 23, 2020

on January 23, 2020

Looks like I have to make some content to stay "alive" or qfeast would k*ll me lol . Give me very basic quiz ideas to remain PoPuLaR guys O:-):-*
on January 22, 2020

Anyone wanna rp?
on January 22, 2020

I love myself.im strong. yes I can live . I have thought numerous times of dying but there's something that makes me feel like living. I've cried tons confused of what I have to live. I don't love anything in life , I have nothing to be scared of when I die..but still my heart doesn't agree to it and thanks to it I can never do anything to myself. I don't know if I should be happy about this but I will try to live . It is painful as I don't have any aim or anything I love See More to live for but I'll try
I love myself.im strong. yes I can live . I have thought numerous times of dying but there's something that makes me feel like living. I've cried tons confused of what I have to live. I don't love anything in life , I have nothing to be scared of when I die..but still my heart doesn't agree to it and thanks to it I can never do anything to myself. I don't know if I should be happy about this but I will try to live . It is painful as I don't have any aim or anything I love See More to live for but I'll try
on January 21, 2020

? +ve bease
Tellonym allows you to receive anonymous and honest feedback from everyone who is important to you.
on January 19, 2020

this might be triggering but long nails make me very uncomfortable tbh...
on January 19, 2020