Also don't start with pretending to be a friend bs. Don't be my friend like bïtch I don't want fakes that is why I make very few friends . Go away lol I don't need you
on January 18, 2020

on January 18, 2020

So this happened on tellonym . First time someone sending a "hate" one and I have an idea who it is
- K, honestly, ur SUPER annoying and unlikeable. And that's why you don't have friends- Not tryna be mean, but nobody likes annoying people lmao. I'm tired of pretending to be ur friend when I don't like you-
At all-
Lmao and you think you're any fking good saying this anonymously you coward ass
- K, honestly, ur SUPER annoying and unlikeable. And that's why you don't have friends- Not tryna be mean, but nobody likes annoying people lmao. I'm tired of pretending to be ur friend when I don't like you-
At all-
Lmao and you think you're any fking good saying this anonymously you coward ass

I have a feeling it might be that same troll who thought it was cute to say shit about people who didn't ask for it. I feel like this person might not even feel this way atp and just wanna deadass start shit like ew.
on January 18, 2020

If certain people feel like that they shouldn’t say shit like that anonymously, just makes them look fake and like a coward
on January 18, 2020

It's okay. It's anonymous so nothing can be predicted totally right . I just am sick of these trolls. What they said to me wasn't very bad but on what I've seen for cas ,Milo and others were really worse. Such cowards
on January 18, 2020
on January 18, 2020

am I bothered by a person posting a kissing emoji on my ex's crush post. ::: nO : )

Nah no need to be sorry I was just confused . It's just about my ex crush (in 8th grade)
on January 18, 2020
on January 18, 2020

Tropes of guys in anime/drama/shows I hate the most???
- the dense guy : that one guy who is least datable and probably a stupid tsundere who is way too harsh on the mainlead but omg it's so COoL .fuucking hell. these characters are just a no and I'd never ever date such
-- the "you are going to do what I say" male lead
Seriously annoying. He's probably having a harem with his shitty personality . I srsly HATE manipulative characters and can't deal with fans who think being See More manipulative = cool
These kind of characters make me hate men in general but yeah I know all aint like that
- the dense guy : that one guy who is least datable and probably a stupid tsundere who is way too harsh on the mainlead but omg it's so COoL .fuucking hell. these characters are just a no and I'd never ever date such
-- the "you are going to do what I say" male lead
Seriously annoying. He's probably having a harem with his shitty personality . I srsly HATE manipulative characters and can't deal with fans who think being See More manipulative = cool
These kind of characters make me hate men in general but yeah I know all aint like that
on January 17, 2020

plastic surgery is definitely okay but taking a surgery to look like a whole another RACE and ALSO trying to STEAL someone's identity is DEFINITELY NOT OKAY .
on January 17, 2020

I hope dabi gets all the help she needs as she keeps on making up stuff at this point it's totally concerning than irritating
on January 16, 2020

created a

Make a doll and I'll give you a kpop song .
on January 16, 2020

Wtf I just got a horoscope email and it was kinda what happening except the shit that I'll meet someone "special"
on January 14, 2020

I am such a pig I just was eating and choked on it panicked and cried and then after drinking water I chomped it again like c h om p. I'm so fuucking pathetic
I am such a pig I just was eating and choked on it panicked and cried and then after drinking water I chomped it again like c h om p. I'm so fuucking pathetic
on January 14, 2020

someone bring back the rp culture with me I beg . I fking miss those pages

on January 13, 2020
on January 13, 2020

I think I cannot deal with long term relationships...how do people do.it. it's friking hard
on January 13, 2020