Sapphire The Hedgehog
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Comments (20)

for the sonic guys to be real BUT NOT EGGMAN T.T

Yeah! Me too! T.T

that'd be cool!
on July 03, 2015
on July 01, 2015
on July 01, 2015

I wish the faction system from Divergent was real, and I'd be a Divergent, in Dauntless.

You already had a wish :p oh well *sprinkles fairy dust on you*
on March 22, 2015
on March 22, 2015

on February 26, 2015

I wish that the sonic fandom was real and all sonic fans could be their sonic oc

Me too, that would be the best life ever *sparkle eyes*

:D Then we could all meet and be fwends ^.^ and be the ultimate fighting team >:3
on February 20, 2015

True and everyone could have powers and fight eggman and have adventures with sonic and his friends :D
on February 20, 2015
on February 20, 2015
on February 20, 2015

...That I could have the power to enter fictional worlds such as anime or Creepypasta...
on February 20, 2015

on February 19, 2015