rrnnpp's Page Memberships

rrnnpp is a member of 13 pages
Harry Potter / Percy Jackson Fan Competition!
Hi! There are 3 choices of competition here: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson or Harry Jackson (a mix between both). They will all be explained on the page.
1 subscriber 3 members profile page
Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.
998 subscribers 72 members
French Revolution RP
The year is 1788. Bread prices are rising but wages are not. You can be part of the 1st estate/class (the clergy: archbishop, bishop, village priest, monk, nun) 2nd estate/class (nobles who inherit land, wealth) 3rd estate/clas...
3 subscribers 8 members
Animal Abuse Needs To STOP!!
This is about animal abuse and how it seriously needs to stop. If you love animals and agree that they don't deserve it please subscribe and request a membership. Please help me make this a very popular page so everyone can see...
828 subscribers 62 members fully opened
Wanna play Truth or Dare?
Here are the rules: 1. no offensive, violent, or sexual stuff 2. you HAVE to do ALL dares and answer ALL the questions that follow the rules 3. have fun!
35 subscribers 7 members fully opened profile page
Pineapple Page
This is where we talk about Pineapples, my friends. "The world is a mess and I just need to rule it." -Dr. Horrible
5 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Harry Potter RP
Well, out of popular demand, I have made this page! Choose your house and let's get magical!
5 subscribers 11 members fully opened profile page
St Trinians school for girls RP
We are st T. Join us who make havoc and rule the roost. Geeks emos posh toty and all the rest. ST TRINIANS
0 subscribers 5 members profile page
Welcome to the Alice Academy! (RP)
People who are born with a god-given talent come to this academy! The categorization all depends on which "alice" you've got- common powers like levitation, mind-reading, and psychokinesis are the Latent, powers involving build...
1 subscriber 7 members fully opened profile page
The Hunters of Artemis role-playing page
Join the immortal maidens of Artemis on their journey with the hunt! I'll play as Artemis!
5 subscribers 4 members profile page
Percy Jackson and the Olympians RP page
This is where you can RP as a character you make. Your character can have parent you live with at home or be an orphan. you can go on Quests with Friends. here is the profile form~> Name: Age(13-19): Gender: Godly Parent: Powe...
6 subscribers 8 members fully opened profile page
Qfeast Hotel
Check In To My Hotel Page, Make Yourself Very Comfortable Here On This.
6 subscribers 12 members profile page
Pottermore Players
Join this if you play Pottermore! Share your username and read other's, and add them as friends! Also tell them how to get through tough parts!
3 subscribers 3 members profile page