If you like Mitch Grassi, you should talk to VioletTheCat because she's his biggest fangirl.
on October 28, 2014

just a wild guessed u like doctor who don't ya
on October 28, 2014

when did u start qfeast
on October 28, 2014

give me back your number think i deleted it send it on a text shaz
on October 28, 2014

thx 4 following
on October 28, 2014

on October 18, 2014

renee2 asked a question
fav singer can be anyone from any time just has to be you fav.
on October 17, 2014

renee2 asked a question
what is your fav soap Eastenders,Hollyoaks,Waterleroad or any other you can think of
on October 16, 2014