What's Undertale?
What is it? I wanna know, since it seems interesting to know.
whats ur fetish
i wont judge
Am I a nerd???????????
I love to read, I always do my homework, I acuatlly like sceince...
Is the Hunger Games worth reading?
I just want your opinion if I should read it or not.
Do you believe in Santa Clause?
Do you people respect gay rights?
Why do people have such a problem against gays and th...
Cat names needed! They can be anything, I'm getting two kittens this summer and I can't...
Whats your lucky number?
Favourite colour?
We want to find out what the most popular colour is. Post your answer...
A genie gave you three wishes. What are they?
I would wish for:
1. World peace
2. No ...
Would you date a guy thats 5 years older than you?
Cuz im just wondering :D
Please everyone come back. we miss you a...
Do you love Undertale?
This is a videogame played by multiple youtubers such as:
if i killed someone for you and it was a family member and you hated that family member...
describe your crush in three words or less
Describe your crush in three words or less
Is faith really enough?
I am a proud atheist, and I believe that there is no higher pow...
Why is everyone soo addicted 2 One Direction??!!
Why?? I mean, i like them, they're oka...
Endengered animals, do you care about them?
there are over 40,000,000 species of animal...
What do you think of this "front cut" dress?
I really like it, you?
Do you like nightcore songs?