Is faith really enough? I am a proud atheist, and I believe that there is no higher power. I have asked multiple Christians what proof they have that there is a god, but all of them have said that faith is enough. Some have also told me that there is no proof that there is NOT a god. Well, I'm sure some of you have seen the meme with the teacher saying "Can you see God? Can you hear God? Then there is no God!" and the student replying with "Can you see your brain? Can you hear your brain? Then you don't have a brain!" There is scientific proof that humans have brains, though. X-rays and such. Is there any scientific proof of there being a god? I don't mean to start a fight (I believe I have started way too many fights already), but I'm just wondering: "Is faith enough? Do you need scientific evidence? Do you have any scientific evidence?" Also, completely unrelated to the question, "Is your god a good one? If he just sat there while the Holocaust happened, and sat there and watched while terrorists bombed churches, and sat there and watched while drunks ran into schools and murdered many children, is he good? I can be good without a god. Can you? Do you have any way to justify his actions (and not saying anything from the Bible without scientific proof, please!) ?" Also, you know how something can be considered a god? It has to be omniscient, which means you know what everyone is thinking and what everyone will do, and omnipotent, which means you can do anything. If it is not both of those things, it is not a god. Well, can your god make a stone so heavy he cannot lift it? If he can't, then he is not omnipotent, so he is not a god. If he can, then he is also not omnipotent, because he cannot lift the stone, so he is not a god. If you have any contradictions, please respectfully state them in the comments. If you agree with me, then that's great :)
Answers (21)
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Hi! I'm a proud Jesus Freak, and before I answer, I have a question (or two). First: Is this a genuine question, or are you just trying to make us look bad? I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I can't answer it if it is designed to be unanswerable. Second: Will you respect my opinion? I won't try to shove Jesus down your throat, but I won't NOT defend Him, either. So anyone who wants to have a (friendly) debate, please reply. :) Thank you.

Life in Qfeast is way different than earth itself. People in some worlds give there best and respect opinions then choose.
on December 17, 2016
on December 23, 2015
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I am also a proud atheist. I agree that "faith" is not enough. We need living proof!

I just voted your answer up! :)
on April 01, 2015
on April 01, 2015
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Well i don't have an explanation for terrorist attacks besides he wont just stop someone from murdering or doing something stupid because he gave us a free will. As for Proof, i witnessed my paralyzed mother be completely healed from laying in pain on the couch 24/7 from getting up out of a wheelchair during a service and running up and down the aisle. I believe you should be whatever religion or have any beliefs as long as you're happy. :)
on January 20, 2017
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The exact reason God created us was to have someone faithfully choose to have a relationship. He didn't want mindless freaks saying, "God is love. I love Him." everyday.
Some people branched off and didn't like this "God."
So, the reason He can't do anything is because He gave us Free Will. We choose to do with our lives, God influences us.
I hope that answers your question of "Is your God a good one?" (Sorry if capitalizing God offends you.)
All you have to do is pray See More and believe. Then again, I'm not forcing this down your windpipes and yelling "DO IT!"
Some people branched off and didn't like this "God."
So, the reason He can't do anything is because He gave us Free Will. We choose to do with our lives, God influences us.
I hope that answers your question of "Is your God a good one?" (Sorry if capitalizing God offends you.)
All you have to do is pray See More and believe. Then again, I'm not forcing this down your windpipes and yelling "DO IT!"

First of all, thanks for being respectful and mindful of my feelings. (I don't capitalize god myself, but it's fine if you do it.)
Second of all, I'm pretty sure that I'll never pray and believe. Thanks for not forcing it down my windpipes and yelling "DO IT!" though! :) :D :3
Second of all, I'm pretty sure that I'll never pray and believe. Thanks for not forcing it down my windpipes and yelling "DO IT!" though! :) :D :3
on February 10, 2016
on February 10, 2016
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If I can put faith in people, then why not??
im agnostic though so im being stupid
im agnostic though so im being stupid
on January 07, 2017
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(I may have not awnsered this question- if not, I apologize if I offend you)
No matter how many times, I disagree faith isn't enough. I really wouldn't think God would be like "Oh hey! They believe! That's good enough" and be done with it. What's the point of God helping if you don't do anything but believe? I also despise the fact that some have given their time up to shove Christianity down non beleivers throats. If ISIS was doing terrorist attacks for what they say (Religon)- See More this is the minor version.
So, go be you, be Christian or whatever. Atheist, I don't care. *shruggs walking out*
No matter how many times, I disagree faith isn't enough. I really wouldn't think God would be like "Oh hey! They believe! That's good enough" and be done with it. What's the point of God helping if you don't do anything but believe? I also despise the fact that some have given their time up to shove Christianity down non beleivers throats. If ISIS was doing terrorist attacks for what they say (Religon)- See More this is the minor version.
So, go be you, be Christian or whatever. Atheist, I don't care. *shruggs walking out*
on May 27, 2016
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Honestly, I am Christian,
But I don't think faith is proof.
I think he's that little voice in the back of my head making sure I do the right thing before I end up with depression.
Concance? No, I have none.
But.. I don't know how, I'm not sure he exists anymore..
But I don't think faith is proof.
I think he's that little voice in the back of my head making sure I do the right thing before I end up with depression.
Concance? No, I have none.
But.. I don't know how, I'm not sure he exists anymore..

THAT is a great answer.
on February 11, 2016
on February 11, 2016
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What is this "faith" you speak of? I am an atheist as well and I lost trust in humanity, so, no, I do not believe in this "faith".
on February 10, 2016
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I grew up with a christian family but as i am now in my teenage years, i startquestioning the world. As much as i wanna say i am christian i am going to heaven, whose to tell. I don't really know if there is a god or not. So i am in between atheism and christianism.:D

me to! If there were (was?) positive, solid proof there is a god, i would believe it, but other than that... :/
on May 26, 2016

I think that would be called an agnostic - not being sure whether or not a god exists.
on May 26, 2016
on February 10, 2016
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"Look at all of those praying people getting tortured in that death camp. Excellent! I won't do anything to stop that. And look at that little girl down there being raped and murdered. Perfect! She is praying like mad, and so is her mother, but I won't do anything to stop that. And there are three terrorists preparing to blow up a church and kill 1,500 people who are saying the Lord's Prayer to me right now. Outstanding! I won't do anything to stop that. How wonderful it is that See More 1,000 prayerful people will die of starvation today in Ethiopia. I love it! I won't do anything to stop that. Oh… and there's little Suzy Jankins praying that I remove that pimple from her nose for her big date with Chad tomorrow. Let me go help Suzy right now…"
That is why I think that, even if there was a god, he would be evil. :/
That is why I think that, even if there was a god, he would be evil. :/
on April 01, 2015
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I can't back up His existence, but it's just nice to believe that someone's trying to keep you safe. Even if it isn't true, it's better than believing you're entirely on your own, anyone can murder anyone with no consequences (consequences as in Heaven or Heck).
on September 25, 2017
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It is if admitting to be an atheist and/or acting like one around your family could put you in danger
on January 07, 2017
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I'm a proud huge kid and I think you gotta go deep into scientific evidence to know questions.
To me the Bible doesn't tell me much
To me the Bible doesn't tell me much
on December 17, 2016
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The reason why we believe in God is because we as humans need something bigger than us to believe in. God influences us to do the right thing and to do something good in our lives. Sorry abut the capital G
on May 26, 2016
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Is it possible to be jewish/christian/muslim etc. but still not believe in a god?

No, you can't. To be Christian is to believe in God. If you don't believe, you're not Christian, period.
on November 05, 2016

It is in fact possible. You can believe in the foundation of Jewish/Christian/Muslim etc. culture but not strictly believe in the god. Religion is not based strictly around a god.

What the hell... You can't be a christian if you do not believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God. To be a christian is to believe in the gospel.
on November 07, 2016

Um, you can't be Christian if you don't believe in God. You can be a person who likes the bible and its rules, but being Christian is believing in God, seriously.
on November 05, 2016

Lmao i dont know how to talk
maybe it was my lack of ability or speak english
What i meant was:
No one has the right to tell someone what religion they are unless they ask and an assumption is made based off of beliefs. In the end, we may have different views of what a "christian person" is. I said that my opinion was that there are more elements in "gospel" See More or whatever for each religion rather than a god, but I see you have another opinion.
Thanks for sharing. @MerTaylor
maybe it was my lack of ability or speak english
What i meant was:
No one has the right to tell someone what religion they are unless they ask and an assumption is made based off of beliefs. In the end, we may have different views of what a "christian person" is. I said that my opinion was that there are more elements in "gospel" See More or whatever for each religion rather than a god, but I see you have another opinion.
Thanks for sharing. @MerTaylor
on September 26, 2015

God is not "the specifics" of the religion. Whether or not to support LGBT is a 'specific.' Whether or not babtism is required for membership is a 'specific.' God is the very basis of Christianity.
on September 26, 2015

It is in fact an important element, and yes, you believe that it is. But implying what you are saying, you do not have the right to tell if you are not Christian or not based off of your beliefs in the specifics of the religion. Believe what you will, I have nothing against you, I am just saying one single person does not have the right to judge or conclude on See More another's religious beliefs. @MerTaylor
on September 26, 2015

God is the center of Christianity. He may not be the center of other religions, but I know that he is the center of Christianity. Without God, Christianity wouldn't exist.
on September 26, 2015

According to many verses (the most commonly known being John 3:16), the very thing that makes Christianity Christianity is the fact that God sent his son, Jesus, to die on the cross, taking our sins so that we can live eternally in Heaven. That would make God the center of Christianity.
on September 26, 2015

I agree, yes. But you are implying that simply this "god" you speak of if the only basis and reason that Christianity exists and is the strict basis. It is in fact one element you can remove while the statement stays true. Yes, it may not apply to you, but not everyone follows the exact same beliefs even though they may identify under one religion that you follow See More as well. @MerTaylor
on September 26, 2015

OK. So we both agree that the Bible is the basis of Christianity. And we both agree that the even more important part of the Bible is the New Testament, because Christianity would be Judaism or Catholism without the gospels. Do you agree?
on September 26, 2015

on September 26, 2015

I'm not being judgemental. All I'm saying is this: If you are a Christian, you believe that the Bible is true. This is a fact that we can both agree on, am I right?
on September 25, 2015

Wow judgemental much @MerTaylor If someone identifies as a religion, you have no right to object. And "gospel" isn't just god.
on September 25, 2015

No, I'm not saying that. What I am saying is that the very foundation of Christianity is God. You really can't be a Christian unless you believe in the gospel.
on September 25, 2015

on September 25, 2015

I have many Christian friends and family. And plus, you have no right to tell someone if they are Christian or not. @MerTaylor
on September 24, 2015

Are you a Christian? If not, I really don't think that you can tell me what Christianity is about.
on September 24, 2015
on September 14, 2015

on June 14, 2015

on June 14, 2015
on April 02, 2015
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Answer this for me, please.
Without SCIENCE itself ever existing, what would you believe in?
Without SCIENCE itself ever existing, what would you believe in?

Without science no humanity.
Babies are science every single move is science.
Even believing is partially science
So basically science is trying
Babies are science every single move is science.
Even believing is partially science
So basically science is trying
on December 17, 2016

SHE MEANS IF WE DID NOT KNOW EVERYTHING AND IF WE WERE NOT ABLE TO KNOW SCIENCE. Science would still exist, we just wouldn't know.
on February 10, 2016

But science does exist, so what do you mean??

No. Buddhism and Atheism can be similar- but are not the same thing. Buddhists aspire to reach Nirvana, and be the best person they can be- so when they are reincarnated they will live good lives. Atheists believe that when you die- there is nothing. Not even darkness- just nothing.
No. Buddhism and Atheism can be similar- but are not the same thing. Buddhists aspire to reach Nirvana, and be the best person they can be- so when they are reincarnated they will live good lives. Atheists believe that when you die- there is nothing. Not even darkness- just nothing.
on December 30, 2015

on April 02, 2015

What. The. Heck. Dear me.
Let me explain it to you... slowly....
There... is.... always.... science. If there were no science, there would be nothing. Even then, I'd be a Buddhist. Ever after I prayed for my lizard not to die (and he died right after: it was Valentine's day), I have vowed to never believe in god. Heck, I'd even be a Buddhist MONK - anything See More to avoid Christianity. That word sends a shiver up my spine. It might not send one up yours, but it has that effect on me. :/
Let me explain it to you... slowly....
There... is.... always.... science. If there were no science, there would be nothing. Even then, I'd be a Buddhist. Ever after I prayed for my lizard not to die (and he died right after: it was Valentine's day), I have vowed to never believe in god. Heck, I'd even be a Buddhist MONK - anything See More to avoid Christianity. That word sends a shiver up my spine. It might not send one up yours, but it has that effect on me. :/
on April 02, 2015

No, I asked you to do something so simple a kindergartener could do and you can't.
And in your own mind, you are right. Not mine.
And in your own mind, you are right. Not mine.
on April 02, 2015

That is physically impossible. There is always science. There cannot be a world without science. Every living thing has its own biology, which is science. If there was a world without science, then there would be nothing. Literally nothing. Everything has science in some way - rocks, trees, food...
on April 02, 2015
on April 02, 2015
on April 02, 2015
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It's a nice thought to think that the horrible stuff a person does is not his\her fault don't you think? Besides I think its just so bland to use science I would rather think something made me the way I am not to blame for being ... "Human" we are all in the end subtypes of bacteria due to evolution right? Maybe its just the chaos of free thought but aren't we all simply a subtype of the simplest life form in the eye of science I like to think that I am unique but f*ck it. I am See More simply another mindless animal that fools itself into sentience. A human is made up of many things. Happiness, blood ,sadness ,rage and insanity the things a human is made of. I like to think evil is punished and evil wins but in truth we only get the lesser evil the original "Good" died after being stabbed in the back by the very people it tried to care for. I like to think Philosophically rather than Scientifically. And chance I believe chance is a very complicated mathematical equation because humanity actually existing was chance and in another timeline that the meteor that began the first ice age hadn't hit we would most likely still be nothing more than rats waiting in the ground for death.
on June 28, 2015
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Humanity holds seven sins Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Sloth, Lust and finally the most fun and common sin Greed. Each I like to think holds its own punishment it helps me think at night and if they weren't punished I may have gone insane when I was younger for what use would their be in being good that's why I decided when I would die I will die in the most glorious way possible self sacrifice and see if it would be a final great act of courage or hubris for allowing someone See More else to live their is no use being good without punishment maybe I have been hit to much and took the blame for to many people but hey WHO CARES about the kid with a dream that will never be fulfilled, who cares? Please tell me because under every single smile is a animalistic instinct for survival and when I do not see that smile under every SINGLE smile. I will again act as I did as a kid be kind, able to cry , not constantly feel the animalistic rage in me, see the GOOD rather than BAD. What a world to be born in. One which people try to protect innocence yet fail in every single f*cking way. But people who are truly good and wish good things to happen others rather than them and try to protect others no matter who I say. Prepare to be stabbed in the back by your dearest comrade and watch the people you tried oh so hard to protect die.
on June 28, 2015