is it bad that i like Ben drowend? the reason why i am asking is beacuse i do-

What's your phobia? TeLl Me!! *REEE*
Your trapped on a deserted island! Whats the first thing you do? I am 4 parallel univer...
Who here wants to be ded? I have to fill this part in but, who here wants to be ded?

What do you think about this quote? Love is a serious mental disease.” – Plato
What's your gender?

Are you a idiot? Yes you are :>
Why is the Earth called earth?

What is your phobia? (If you have one!) Do you have a phobia? In case there's any dummi...

Whats your favorite jolly rancher flavor?
Its derp rock is back Did u guys miss me

Okokok *sigh* wat would u do if we met in real life? Im just saying ok so no judge here...
What does DNI mean?

opinions on estella? and trolls, dont get blocked!
who wannts to be in a video? i did this becuse i board and i have nothing to do rn

Does anyone know who Chessmaster from Creepypasta is? I just wanna know if I'm the only...
how do people come up with words? Like did someone just find a tree and blurt out the w...
what are your opinions on me? Tell me bishes- UwU

What's your favourite Pokemon? That's a question where you can answer what your favouri...