Do you have siblings? How many? I have 1 sister

who are you dressing up as for halloween? who u dressing up as
What is your fav creepypasta character?

Thoughts on laughing Jack Thoughts on the clown laughing jack
What do you think about cosplayers?

Boys Do u think she's cute?
Can You draw? Funny thing is i love to draw and stuff but i'm terrible at it. :( So wha...

what would you get as your first tattoo? im stealing ideas
Whats is your best comeback for: Your Stupid? Just curious...

how did you come up with your username? (1)

Do you have any fandom recommendations? i need a new fandom. no portal or csgo sorry izzy
What's your comeback if someone says: Your Ugly! Just curious...
What is Qfeast? (1) My friend recently invited me and it feels like a blast to 2012, wh...
If their was one creepypasta on earth and only you who would it be?
What are your favorite songs? (1)
what is yout favourite undertale characater? Mine is definatley chara and frisk and sns...
Do you want to be in my online family? I can’t create chats and stuff cause I haven’t c...