Why does Roxanne have human ears? SHE'S A DOG, why the heckity heck does she have FUCCE...

We need a name for this watter bottle Jerry, Jerry Watter, Jerry Wattler, Wattler, etc....
Q & A Time Ask me any question that isnt to personal and i will answer it.
What's your fave anime?

trans rights? do we agree? trans rights? trans rights are human rights. yes they are. i...

what's your favorite flower?

Itsuka Kendo or Momo Yaoyorozu? Who is the better written character in your opinion and...
What is something super embarrassing you've done in your life-time on earth? We all hav...

whats your faveorite naruto character choose as many as you like
Does anyone on here know what/play discworld? Does anyone here know or play discworld, ...
Favorite seafood? Lobster? Shrimp? Fish? Favorite Seafood? What?

whats your favorite animal type in the chat

whos your favorite minecraft mob

whos better all tales from 0 to 10 from naruto
Do you like Mha?
Which houses would class 1-A belong in if they went to Hogwarts? Class 1-A Students: Ba...
Do you like me? (3) I hope you like me!
Who's your favorite Creepypasta? (2) What is your favorite Creepypasta? Mine is Ben Dro...
What should the bugs name be? Ok so I found a pet bug and I wanted to keep it so ima na...