Opinion on anime What is your opinion on anime? I personally love it! Also I have a cou...

Cloud watching or stargazing? Which do you prefer cloud watching or stargazing?

What is your favorite undertaker wrestlmania match?
Chocalate or caramel? story its a hot summer day and you decide to get some ice cream, ...

Have you ever had more then 4 or 5 dreams in one? if you have be welcome to talk bout t...
Ask anything :3 y'all can ask me anything idk why the the hell i'm doing this qwq
How to move?? no its not WASD its alt+f4 trust me!
What was your reaction when Marinette told Alya she was ladybug?? I cried, but I have n...

Who likes my pfp? I'm just saying ok! QwQ
Hello everybody todays my B-day now u guys gotta guess my age Since it's my birthday I ...
I need good flirts OK SO me and my crush started a flirting war and I have no good ones...
I'm Pinkthequizwhiz Watching_You isn't Pink i am. I just deleted the among us profile a...
You know what?! I had enough with your rude comments flxrrie and Southparkestellaismywi...
Yalll roaches be mad Yall be mad that i called Creepymon a stalker. I am not Pinkthequi...
What is for you an embarrassing situation? Write down what for you an embarrassing situ...
Creepmon is a stalker for real Seriously Crystal_Drowned and Horsesxvolleyball need pro...
Creepymon is a stalker she is. She spys on people. She may be sweet and inncoent but im...

How many game names do you know? Who has the most game names wins