Are we friends? (1) OK so i wanna know who im friends with on here so please answer if ...
Why is my blood so good? IDK why the hell i am asking this but it came to my mind first...
Is this a good idea for a birthday present? So my friend likes Harry Potter and her hou...

What do you think of me? (14)
what're your nicknames for me? -w- im bringing this back cause yeah uwu
What is your Favourite Anime? (3) My Favourite is Naruto
So uh my friend's birthday is in less than a day-(read desc) So uh my friend's birthday...
What is your favorite color (there can be more than 1)?

Can ur brain be damaged permanently or temporarily if something with a hard impact like...
Why do peta euthananize so many of there animals? I herd someone where that 80 percent ...
Any Good Horror animes? It'll be helpful if its not on hulu cause um, i dont have it ;-;
My fav song Click the link in the chat to hear my favorite song :)
This is so cute you guys are so obsessed with me it's like you have a crush on me I fin...

Is embracethelight a troll? I'm genuinely unsure at this point

Everyone listen up- Lets just all post trans rights are human rights and LGBTQ rights s...
Feminists always seem to turn a blind eye to the oppression happening in the Muslim wor...
Obvious question(dont read description if easily triggered, it's my question) Trigger w...

What do you think of me? from the picture(1)