Does anyone here have synesthesia? Synesthesia: a crossing of the senses. It's hard to explain, but here's an example: Someone with synesthesia could truthfully say "The letter A is blue." without looking at a letter A first. I have synesthesia. If numbers or letters have ever had colors for you, or if sounds have colors, or if you taste certain things when you hear certain sounds, then you might have synesthesia.
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sometimes when I smell cotton candy, I taste chocolate milk. Is that just a discord obsession thing? With his cotton candy clouds that rain chocolate milk?
on June 05, 2016
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Oh, there's a name for this? Letters, numbers and sounds have colours for me too. . .

Cool! My aunt has it and she actually grew up without even knowing what it was called. I remember she once told me that for her, 7 was brown. I didn't think much of it except for when I read the book A Mango Shaped Space, which is about a girl with synesthesia. Then I thought, "Oh, my gosh! Aunt Dawna has synesthesia!" And so I told her. :) I'm glad you know, See More now

For me, it's tan, and- OH MY GOSH, you should research this guy named Daniel Tammet! He has synesthesia and he is like a GENIUS!!
on April 29, 2015
on April 29, 2015
on April 29, 2015