Why do people not support marriage equality/gay marriage? I know a lot of people who think being gay is a sin, or whatever. I want to know WHY they think that. I know there's something about it in the bible, but there is always adoption. I know you say that children need a mom and a dad, but we don't outlaw single parent households. It makes no sense, to me, when people say they don't support gay marriage. I am 100% for marriage equality. I don't mean to start a war, though!
Answers (95)
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let me see here.... Ooh! I know! Because they're assholes! : D
Down vote my answer all you want.
That's what all you non-supporters say about your "opinion" on gay rights, no?
Down vote my answer all you want.
That's what all you non-supporters say about your "opinion" on gay rights, no?

Just voted your answer up, completely agree

But their not assholes, they just don't want to support gay marriage
on April 28, 2018
on April 28, 2018

Is this a site to disrespect other people's religions or something?
on December 24, 2017

@KazooKid You = awesome.
Thank you omg :000
on June 10, 2016
on June 10, 2016
on December 30, 2015
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Well, I don't give a crap about how other people live their lives. I don't give a crap who other people marry. I just mind my own business, thank you, and don't go sticking my nose in everyones' lives. I stay out of things that don't involve me, whereas you think you can control the marriage of other people. That's just crappy - excuse the language. It just sucks that you think people are under your thumbs, just because you believe in something. Keep your opinions to yourself See More and I'll keep my opinions to myself. Only when people stop crapping all over other peoples' rights will I stop starting arguments. Because excuse me for shedding some light on equal rights, but it's their lives, and you can't really control them. Jews have already been crapped on over their religion, so what about the gay people that are Jews? Judaism supports gay marriage, so why do some of you Christians think you can spread your religion all over them like butter? Don't crap all over their lives. Let them live their lives, because it doesn't affect you at all who other people marry. And I'm sorry if you think this is offensive, but I'm just explaining why you shouldn't trap people under your thumbs. I don't give a crap who other people marry, because I'm a nice and good person.

Okay, first of all, a question is to be answered with an honest personal thought, or a.k.a, an opinion, is it not? And no one here is forcing religion onto you. Just as you make science references, we make Christian references. And good for you, you shouldn't interfere with peoples' lives. Great news. But that means you can't different beliefs. I don't agree See More with your beliefs, but I respect them, even though it seems like you're spitting on Christianity. Which you are. And you say that we're shoving religion down your throat. Hah! That's a laugh to be had. I'm not, I'm just merely standing up for my beliefs, like every other human does.

I said NO ONE HERE. I'm glad your cousin got baptized, yay. But I was talking on here. And I'm not interfering with their lives. It's simply a belief I have. It's not like I go up in their faces and say, "Haha, gays are stupid, I don't support it!" and start bullying them on from there. No, I respect them because they're human too, but I just have different beliefs See More for them about certain things. And if you think that's interfering, then you need to look up what that word is again, because that is NOT what I'm doing.
on April 15, 2015

I will stop interfering with your life if you stop interfering with gay peoples' lives.
on April 15, 2015

Oh no, in church, when my cousin was baptized, (I was forced to go XP ) the pastor made everyone promise to teach Nehemiah (the cousin) that Christianity is true. If that's not shoving religion down her throat, then I don't know WHAT is.
on April 15, 2015
on April 15, 2015
on April 15, 2015
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And other religions that don't believe in gay marriage. It's called an "opinion". Something you have that you get judged on recently these days. Don't go around saying: "The Bible says it's wrong,". There's a lot of stuff the Bible says is wrong and you still do it. You just don't want to judged by anyone else and blame it on the bible. See More
AND, don't you dare say it's just the Christians who don't believe in gay marriage. There's Muslims and Athetists I personally know that don't believe in it. And not all Christians go by the bible! Those are what I call "free-range Christians". It's not just us. And people have a choice to believe in it or not. People choose to, and people don't, and that's perfectly fine. So don't get it twisted that it's just us.
And other religions that don't believe in gay marriage. It's called an "opinion". Something you have that you get judged on recently these days. Don't go around saying: "The Bible says it's wrong,". There's a lot of stuff the Bible says is wrong and you still do it. You just don't want to judged by anyone else and blame it on the bible. See More
AND, don't you dare say it's just the Christians who don't believe in gay marriage. There's Muslims and Athetists I personally know that don't believe in it. And not all Christians go by the bible! Those are what I call "free-range Christians". It's not just us. And people have a choice to believe in it or not. People choose to, and people don't, and that's perfectly fine. So don't get it twisted that it's just us.
on September 16, 2016

Hay I am Christian and I am not against gay's
on October 29, 2015

Guys, it's actually not in the bible, the quote is taken out of context. I don't want to start anything it's just that people keep shoving it is a proof.
on October 26, 2015

The Bible says that LUST is a sin. Lust can happen between men and women just as lust can happen between LGB people.
on July 05, 2015

Sorry. Can you explain more on this?
on April 02, 2015
on April 02, 2015
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Hmm... lets see...
Its because their asshole who need a good, fat smack to the head with the all too familiar insult of, "Grow the FÅ«ck up and get over it."
People in the LGBT community still bleed red, people. Last I checked, the only difference they had was a sexualy preference.
First off, love is love. It doesnt matter if its gay, straight, or what the fūck ever.
Secondly, people are only cruel to them because their stuck in the old, ignorant, intolerant ways of a dying See More generation.
Thridly, I myself am apart of said LGBT community, and have VERY strong feelings about the hate and discrimination that comes with it.
Like for instance,
Im a Southerner, born, raised, and proud of it.
Just because I fly the Dixi flag doesnt mean Im racist:
My mom would beat my ass if she heard me say Frik, and Im 18!
Just because Im a Southerner doesnt mean Im christian, either. In fact, Im undecided.
The reason, in short, for all the hate and discrimination against the LGBT community is because of an old Christian regime thats out dated and far too intolerant. Sorry to all those who ARE Christians, but think of it:
You guys are kinda the bad guys in this instance.
Did you know that Narive Americans performed same-sex marrages LONG before the Bible, Torah, or Quaran was written?
I bet you didnt.
Thats because the Christian churches tried to eradicate this information when they came to convert the locals in the new world because it was "unclean."
Well, in short people, Im proud of those that come out and say, "Im gay. Im lesbian. Im transgender. Im bisexual." Cause in the end, their still himan, too.
Its because their asshole who need a good, fat smack to the head with the all too familiar insult of, "Grow the FÅ«ck up and get over it."
People in the LGBT community still bleed red, people. Last I checked, the only difference they had was a sexualy preference.
First off, love is love. It doesnt matter if its gay, straight, or what the fūck ever.
Secondly, people are only cruel to them because their stuck in the old, ignorant, intolerant ways of a dying See More generation.
Thridly, I myself am apart of said LGBT community, and have VERY strong feelings about the hate and discrimination that comes with it.
Like for instance,
Im a Southerner, born, raised, and proud of it.
Just because I fly the Dixi flag doesnt mean Im racist:
My mom would beat my ass if she heard me say Frik, and Im 18!
Just because Im a Southerner doesnt mean Im christian, either. In fact, Im undecided.
The reason, in short, for all the hate and discrimination against the LGBT community is because of an old Christian regime thats out dated and far too intolerant. Sorry to all those who ARE Christians, but think of it:
You guys are kinda the bad guys in this instance.
Did you know that Narive Americans performed same-sex marrages LONG before the Bible, Torah, or Quaran was written?
I bet you didnt.
Thats because the Christian churches tried to eradicate this information when they came to convert the locals in the new world because it was "unclean."
Well, in short people, Im proud of those that come out and say, "Im gay. Im lesbian. Im transgender. Im bisexual." Cause in the end, their still himan, too.

Acctually, blood is blue but i support this!

Im just going to shut up so this conversation dosent get worse. I do have my bad side.
on July 02, 2018

i know that!! why would my whole argument be "blood is red" if i go say blood is white???
MY question was why did you bring up white blood cells?? they were irrelevant to the topic
MY question was why did you bring up white blood cells?? they were irrelevant to the topic
on July 02, 2018

what about them?? we're talking about if the blood is blue, not white. i don't see why you brought up the white blood cells
@GalacticBiRavenclaw yeah, no prob
@GalacticBiRavenclaw yeah, no prob
on July 02, 2018

What about the white blood cells that fight to protect your body? (I know they arent white)
on July 02, 2018

@queen.nothing Oh, interesting! I learned something new today! :) Thanks for backing your facts up with sources!
on July 02, 2018

believe what you want, but your blood is always red, never blue.
on July 02, 2018

on July 02, 2018

on July 02, 2018

not trying to discredit your mom, but your blood isn't blue, inside or outside of your body. your mother is wrong. and I actually did look it up, so here:
it looks blue on the outside because of the light, but it's just something of an illusion.
it looks blue on the outside because of the light, but it's just something of an illusion.
on July 02, 2018

what?? no. it's red throughout the body. never heard of blue blood cells lmao
there's no blue blood in your body
there's no blue blood in your body
on July 01, 2018

@queen.nothing @Starlight_the_crusader You're both right! It's actually a deep purple-blue color when inside the body. When air touches it (aka when it's outside the body), it turns bright red!
on July 01, 2018
on June 29, 2018
on May 11, 2017
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I think it is okay because my aunt is engaged to a woman and they are happy together.
on May 31, 2016
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if God is apparently "against it" then how did he create gay people?
on October 26, 2015
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I think that some people are afraid of change, or things different. But as we live in XXI century, I think it's time to change our minds.
I want homosexual marriage to be the same as heterosexual one. Why? Because I simply see two people that love each other making a big step. There should not be difference bewteen them. I support them and respect them even when I don't understand it (I mean, I'm heterosexual and I can't understand how a woman prefers a woman instead of a man, See More but I will always respect it as it is their decision and their lives) So...EQUAL MARRIAGE! :D
I want homosexual marriage to be the same as heterosexual one. Why? Because I simply see two people that love each other making a big step. There should not be difference bewteen them. I support them and respect them even when I don't understand it (I mean, I'm heterosexual and I can't understand how a woman prefers a woman instead of a man, See More but I will always respect it as it is their decision and their lives) So...EQUAL MARRIAGE! :D
on August 23, 2015
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I support it because:
1. It is none of my business how others live their lives.
2. It doesn't affect me at all.
3. Of the many, many other religions there are, just one of them shouldn't be able to control who others marry. (@Markimoo I understand your comment but I am talking about the Christians who don't support it :P )
4. Telling someone that they can't marry who they want because it's against your religion is like getting mad at someone for eating a donut when you're on See More a diet.
5. People shouldn't be punished for something they can't change.
6. Let's pretend there's - I know it's not fair, but I know the most about Christianity - a Christian, named C. They're talking to an atheist, B. C is trying to force B to pray and go to church every Sunday. B says, "That's not my religion, it's yours, and I shouldn't have to go with your religion if I am not a part of it." I know someone who is gay, and she is Jewish. Christians shouldn't be able to force their religion on other people. Don't shove your religion down other peoples' throats!
1. It is none of my business how others live their lives.
2. It doesn't affect me at all.
3. Of the many, many other religions there are, just one of them shouldn't be able to control who others marry. (@Markimoo I understand your comment but I am talking about the Christians who don't support it :P )
4. Telling someone that they can't marry who they want because it's against your religion is like getting mad at someone for eating a donut when you're on See More a diet.
5. People shouldn't be punished for something they can't change.
6. Let's pretend there's - I know it's not fair, but I know the most about Christianity - a Christian, named C. They're talking to an atheist, B. C is trying to force B to pray and go to church every Sunday. B says, "That's not my religion, it's yours, and I shouldn't have to go with your religion if I am not a part of it." I know someone who is gay, and she is Jewish. Christians shouldn't be able to force their religion on other people. Don't shove your religion down other peoples' throats!

Now you're just saying it's mainly the Christians who don't support it. That's not true.

Truce? *holds out paw* Uh, uh- *turns into a human* *blushes* You didn't see anything... *waves hand in front of your face* *holds out hand for shaking*
on April 03, 2015

You never offended me, just really ticked me off. And you should let everyone be, and have their own beliefs regardless of what they think.
on April 03, 2015

Well, my mission is to get gay marriage legalized in every one of the 50 states in North America. Once that's done, I'll probably stop and let everyone be for a while. I'm sorry if I offended you, I just believe very strongly in human rights. And I do understand that I violated your religious rights when I offended you. I tend to start arguments everywhere I See More go. :(
on April 03, 2015

And I'm pretty mad about how they feel so bad for the gays, when they have ALL of this support, but if someone doesn't believe in strongly, then they're labeled as mean, or rude, or whatever.
on April 03, 2015

I said, on #3 I was talking about the Christians who don't support it. My other reasons had nothing to do with that (except #4). I'm sorry if there was some confusion.
on April 03, 2015
on April 03, 2015
on April 02, 2015
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This is terrible! Everyone says that people against gay marriage because the Bible tells us that gay marriage is wrong. It is not only that. Im not going to start a war ( Which happens too often and should be less frequent ) so I will keep more reasons why to myself. Please dont take offense. Please dont start a war. Most of you probably believe in freedom of speech (so do I) so please let me have my freedom.
on April 01, 2015
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people hate the things they cannot understand. and apparently that is against the bible, but I really don't give a thought to it.
on April 01, 2015
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on April 01, 2015
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Well. Looks like there are two people who are very spiteful at the moment
on March 31, 2015
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They would rather follow some hypocritical book than think for themselves. Gay folks would make their kids become gay then the human race would eventually be extinct. It's not even real love. Blah, blah, blah. Those people make absolutely no sense.
on March 31, 2015
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Well, I think gays should be treated the same as others. A man and a woman marry because they love each other (usually), and the same with gay-marriages.
on April 28, 2017
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people are against gay marriage becuase they think that people were MADE to be attracted to the opposite sex, when that is not always the case. Some people are naturally born gay. It's not a disorder AT ALL. That might be caused by maybe the child's parents maybe beating eachother up and that takes affect on their mental health. Sometimes it is caused by having a bad relationship with the opposite sex and giving up. if that's the case then why can people just make fuin of them? See More THEY ARE PEOPLE TOO. THEY HAVE FEELINGS. THEY HAVE RIGHTS. Can you imagine if it was the opposite way and gays were the normal and you were a straight person in the corner. How would you feel if they made fun of you because of the way you are? AND PLUS, How is being called 'GAY' even an insult? It means HAPPY first of all, but it means homosexual as well. But what's wrong with that? ARE YOU THINKING THAT YOU CAN MAKE A PERSON UPSET BECAUSE THEY LOVE SOMEONE??????? Well that is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. So let me get one thing into your head. LOVE IS LOVE. If gay people werent meant to be, then why were they created. SO PEOPLE, HERE'S A TIP. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT.
on September 09, 2015
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I am gay, and reading some of these comments hurt me.. a lot...

Dude, screw him/her. They wanna be an ass, let them. At the end of the day, you're still a child of God. Whoever passes judgment on you isn't worth your attention.
on January 11, 2018
on December 24, 2017
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Some people don't agree with it, i'm not sure. But I do support LGBT marriage 100%.
on October 21, 2017
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it may be because society always finds it hard to accept someone or something that is different from what the majority does.being a gay is also considered like that the majority groups are straight so they find it hard to accept them and as u said religous people also find it hard as they follow the bible
on April 28, 2017
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just to start this off, I am 100% for gay marriage. so this is what i think. from my experience with society people like normality. they like things that are familiar to them. and so when people see different things they become scared and defensive, take for example the salem witch trials. people would burn others because they were scared. that or people are total a-holes and have no empathy.
on September 09, 2015
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Because there anti gay or probaly Christian and following the lord but seriously I don't care and I am Christian
on August 23, 2015
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Eh, I don`t support it, but I`m always like "Why should I care how other people live their lives?" So, I`m kinda neutral in a sense. I won`t be mean to the person, but I don`t really support it. But I`m just a teen so what do I know?

Looking back at myself I'm disappointed. *Silently thanks friends for changing my stupid opinion*
on December 06, 2016
on August 12, 2015
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People are all about "You need to be a different sex to marry someone!" I don't get it!
on August 11, 2015
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People are odd creatures.

That's really offensive... People have opinions. Obviously yours is that it's OK. Some people may not share that opinion. You don't have to be so rude to them.

Yeah, this post was really cryptic. I totally support gay marriage, and accept others's opinions. I just suck at the english language.
on June 16, 2015
on June 14, 2015

The latter! The latter!
on April 02, 2015

Whoa! You have 8 votes down! WHy?

Do you mean that people are odd creatures because they are gay?
Or that people are odd creatures because they don't support marriage equality?
Or that people are odd creatures because they don't support marriage equality?
on April 01, 2015
on April 01, 2015
on April 01, 2015
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Because religious people believe that god thinks it has to be a girl and a boy so they dont accept lesbian or gay marrige
on June 28, 2018
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I am all for gay marriage i mean they are just people, but i think people don't support it because they think it denies a child a father/mother and like you said they think it is a sin.

Ok, I see your point. But it's Ok for one parent to be absent the child's whole life, but a good gay couple that's more than capable of raising a child isn't Ok?
on January 11, 2018
on December 23, 2017
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it baffles me how ppl think that they can say "oh im not homophobic i just dont think gays should have the same rights as me but im not homophobic" like stfu ur homophobic. just replace gays with poc or jews or women and youll see my point.

Actually, they're not...they don't like gays...that doesn't mean they're afraid of them...
on October 16, 2016

on October 16, 2016
on October 16, 2016
homophobia doesnt mean ur afraid of gays it means u discriminate against them
on October 16, 2016
on October 16, 2016
on October 14, 2016
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becuause in the bible it says that there were two towns full of homosexuals that were burned. Its a sin because adam and eve were made to love one another not two woman or men and so on.
Some are grossed out by the idea and use reliigion as an excuse.
Just because I said this doesn't mean I support them. I just go to church and know this. I am myself very much so pansexual and interested in any sex.
Some are grossed out by the idea and use reliigion as an excuse.
Just because I said this doesn't mean I support them. I just go to church and know this. I am myself very much so pansexual and interested in any sex.
on April 01, 2016