Why do homophobes go out of their way to insult the LGBT community? I go on a website called TeenChat(My username is OddShyGirl). It's a chatroom, don't worry I avoid the dirty stuff. Anyway, I'm usually in the LGBT chat. People continuously enter just to insult us.
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because homophobic people have no brains, there heartless soulless scums of humanity

Well that is not fair, some people were raised to not believe in it, and it is OK to have a different opinion, people shouldn't go out of there way to hurt others, but they are entitled to there own opinion

I never said you where, but it is true they are just scum there is no other way around it, the world is changing fam and they is staying Farr behind. Every homophobic person I know in person gets a beating. I thew a chair at a girl because she said god hates gays, its what they deserve! They are modern day hitlers
on August 03, 2017

I am not homophobic, but I don't call people that are heartless or brainless, that is like saying cats who dont like dogs are bad
on August 03, 2017
on August 02, 2017
on July 25, 2017
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Well it all depends. I've nevere met anyone who was afraid of gays so I don't think homophobes exist, but I do know that some people are hardcore Christians or were raised to be against gays and stuff. So yeah.
on July 25, 2017