TinyOtaku's Questions
TinyOtaku asked 14 questions

This dude at school is confusing... Help, please? A guy at my school (who I happen to r...
My nickname from a few friends is Bread... Is it weird? A lot say it is. I personally l...
Why is he being mean to me? I sit next to a boy in my class. He always scares me, insul...

Nekos... This is an otaku/weeb problem... WHY DO I LIKE!?
Is it bad to be afraid of the dark? I'm 15, and still can't handle the dark. Is there s...
Why do homophobes go out of their way to insult the LGBT community? I go on a website c...
Someone keeps calling me fat and ugly. It doesn't help that I'm insecure... what can I ...
There's a boy who flirts with me. I keep getting mixed messages, What do I do? There's ...
I read the word Yaoi... What's Yaoi? I was going through QFeast... saw the word Yaoi...
I got religiously harassed by my classmates I don't know why people feel they need to p...
Why do people look at flaws instead of other things? Trying really hard to understand w...
If you could meet anyone or make a fictional character real, who would it be? I'm bored...
people from school keep staring at me. But why? It freaks me out. Especially since most...