What age do you think kids should have a Cellphone?
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Yes, Its more safe for a kid to have a phone. I hate how everyone thinks kids are irresponsible. They have feelings too.
on March 14, 2018
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i think 13 is the youngest age to have a phone. ya kids have like iPods and iPads and stuff like that, but not a phone. i think that kids should get an electronic when they're 10
on February 22, 2016
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14 most teens and kids are trying to figure out who they are and discover themselves and having a phone isn't going to help that, especially if it has internet access, because kids will spend hours on the internet on their phone, viewing and looking at celebrities and other things/people that the world tells them to be and do, and they are more likely to believe the media, because they don't know who they are.
on January 21, 2016