Could you help me? ( I need some art criticism, so I can improve) Look at my latest art, and just give me some pointers. I just want to improve.
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Your art looks really great! One thing that I would focus on improving is the texture of the lines. Sometimes they can get a bit to thick and sketchy. That can make a drawing look less professional than it really is. Otherwise your work is amazing. That was just a weird little critique, but I've had some trouble with the same thing. My work looked a lot better after I drafted a little more and worked a bit on how I use my tools. Sorry! Have a nice day.

No need to apologize. Thank you for the idea to work on. I honestly can agree with your statement.

No problem! Yeah, I have a bit of a bad habit of apologizing too much. Oh well.You are a great artist.
on September 25, 2017
on September 25, 2017
on September 25, 2017