Why does my cat do this? My cat will walk and try to get me to follow to her food/water bowl. I see nothing is wrong so I leave. Then, she'll come back out and try to get me to follow her again. Why does she do this?

Why does my cat do this? My cat will walk and try to get me to follow to her food/water bowl. I see nothing is wrong so I leave. Then, she'll come back out and try to get me to follow her again. Why does she do this?

Answers (3)

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She's probably just hungry.
on October 19, 2015
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She is unsatisfied with her food, or is demanding for more. Cat food should not be left for more than an hour, as cats have very sensitive noses and tastes (except sweetness.)
on January 25, 2016
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My cats are like that, because everytime we run out of catfood and they have to live with dogfood they come to me or my sister and meow repeatedly to get us to follow them so they may have better food.
on October 23, 2015
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