Do you guys have stupid people in your classes at school too or is it just me? No offense, but the guys and girls in my class are sooo stupid! And they are really perverted too :l
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I used to hang out with those kinds of kids but they werent like that when I first met them. I left the group about a few weeks ago.

Yeah exactly!
Yeah. I got tired of that because I'm not even allowed to say stupid.
on September 21, 2016

OMFL that is EXACTLY what happened to me!
on September 20, 2016
I know. Once we got into middle school they started being jerks, curse a LOT (I feel like every sentence has a curse word), and have dirty minds.
on September 20, 2016
on September 20, 2016
on September 19, 2016
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You are NOT the only one. Kids in my class be talkin about perverted stuff Like. You know what Im talking about.

ugh its so annoying cuz they speak so loud too

Ikr. I dont wanna be hearing about that kinda stuff. Sheesh. If u wanna talk bout that stuff, go to a room with other perverts and talk bout it all u want.
on September 19, 2016
on September 19, 2016
on September 19, 2016
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I am the stupid person.

Cuz i dont think so. I dont think you are stupid.
on September 19, 2016
on September 19, 2016
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Normal is subjective, but I have many very normal I suppose you could call them (As if they're the majority, that may become a "normal" and we become happy outcasts), by which normal as in I have many people in my class...which speak very openly about some things they could be reported for...
It seems most whom are on this website are that small number of people in the classroom whom...We...are similar..?
It seems most whom are on this website are that small number of people in the classroom whom...We...are similar..?

i is confused

It also seems I am the only one trying to provide some amount of an ample explanation for our school troubles....
on September 19, 2016

We share the same pain of free education...That may also be why not all take it so seriously as they should, as it's both manditory to attend a school while you're young, under eighteen, and it is also free to attend...which to those of older age, or us who have to trek through the grime of watching other have been good if we took the advantage See More of get the classes we needed and such...but we all on this website...most of us seem to be suffering the samethings as what you described on the question's post...
on September 19, 2016
on September 19, 2016
on September 19, 2016