I'm 16 yet I have never kissed anyone. Is that werid? Pretty Starightfoward. Answer in comment section please and don't be rude
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Nah. I'm fourteen and I still haven't had a boyfriend or girlfriend! (i've had crushes tho :">)
It takes a bit to find someone that you love who loves you back! Love is hard and complicated!
It takes a bit to find someone that you love who loves you back! Love is hard and complicated!
on July 07, 2017
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It's not weird! I'm 15, still single and never have I ever been kissed. But no worries, it'll happen one day!
on July 07, 2017
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It's not weird at all!
It takes time to find someone you love.
If you've already found them, then get to know them a bit more. And when the moment is right and, you really have faith and trust.
There's a kiss
Maybe?? I dunno.
I've never had a kiss either--
Sorry, I think it's right though-- See More
It takes time to find someone you love.
If you've already found them, then get to know them a bit more. And when the moment is right and, you really have faith and trust.
There's a kiss
Maybe?? I dunno.
I've never had a kiss either--
Sorry, I think it's right though-- See More

Yah, @Crimson16, this is probably the best answer for you. THe one that Sour_Candy gave you. :)
on July 07, 2017
on July 07, 2017
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It's ok you just haven't met the right person someday you will find that person. I'm 11 so ya
on August 04, 2017
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Not at all, one day that perfect some one will come along. Sure it might take long to find that some one but don't give up! good luck
on July 11, 2017
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Not at all. My mom didn't have her first kiss until she was 20! I mean I'm 11, so I have a ways to go, but that's not wierd.
on July 10, 2017
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Not at all
Kidding isn't something that everyone has to. Do
It's a special thing shared between two people,
Especially the first kiss
Don't throw your first kiss away on someone who'll hurt you
Kiss someone when you really love them and have had time to get to know them
Kidding isn't something that everyone has to. Do
It's a special thing shared between two people,
Especially the first kiss
Don't throw your first kiss away on someone who'll hurt you
Kiss someone when you really love them and have had time to get to know them
on July 07, 2017
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It ain't weird to have not kissed anyone yet heck I haven't kissed anyone yet but I'm only 13
on August 26, 2020
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Nah that's not weird at all. I have friends in college who haven't kissed anyone either. :)
on October 08, 2017
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I am 16 and have never kissed anyone so no. I haven't even held hand with a guy romantically either. Everyone goes at their own pace...
on October 07, 2017
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Nope. I'm 18 sweetheart. Still have virgin lips as well. I'm waiting for that special someone. ;)
on October 07, 2017
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my brother is 17 turning 18 in September he doesn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend has never kissed anyone before
on August 03, 2017
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Nope. My dad didnt have his first kiss until he was 34!

@Mataways Let me get this straight, you're born in 2001, but your dad had his first kiss in 2002, a year later. Is that really true?
on July 12, 2017

on July 11, 2017
on July 11, 2017