I'm jealous of my best friend! What do I do? My best friend has everything that I really want in life! Boys leaving roses in her locker on valentines day, amazing sport trophies, and now, she's taking her GCSEs a few years early! She's meant to be my best friend, but I always feel so small and useless when I'm around her. Since we've been going to different schools, it's getting worse! Help!
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Jealousy is a natural feeling and you shouldn't be afraid of it. For quite a while I was very jealous of my best friend but eventually this only made us closer. Everyone goes through envious periods in your life and as long as you don't act upon those feelings in a harmful way, you will be fine.
on May 24, 2014
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IDK im not a friend expert i have broke up with my friend today cause she called me stupid 2x!
on May 20, 2015
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If I were you I would just be YOURSELF. There is always people that are rich and are poor. Look at the homeless people that beg for money and then look at the rich people that have way too much money. The rich people have way too much money that they don't know what to use it on. It sounds like your friend is on the richer side and it sounds like you are in between. It is always the best to be in between. So, don't be jealous. More stuff than other people is NOT the key in life.
on March 20, 2015
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Oh and Comparing yourself to another woman only makes you WEAKER you are beautiful in your own way
on September 01, 2014
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Hey one of my friends is rich as crap and gets everything she wants(and she said shes going to kima -.-)then I wondered "Why can't I just be happy with what I have? I'm not meant to be a spoiled brat lying around and sh" be happy with wut u have :0 make urself feel more useful by doing things she can't do o3o and they be like "wowz" and u be like "sweg" XD sorry so ya ur not the only one feeling jelous chihuahuas even get jelous when they see their owners pet another dog X3
on September 01, 2014